Guild Profil

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Bimba123, Dec 25, 2013.

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Poll closed Jan 4, 2014.
  1. I agree

  2. I do not agree

  3. I agree. But you need little edit!

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  1. Bimba123

    Bimba123 Someday Author


    • profile Gild
    • Lvl guilds "XP LVL" (Xp lvl through trade with the payment!)
    • The city proper for the Guild (Price: 5 gold! AND CONDITIONS lvl 5 guild!)
    • LvL max - 1/25 lvl
    • Custom Sign Flag (5 + silver)
    Teir guild:
    • Admiral
    • Captain
    • Master
    • member
    • New member
    Max member
    • 1-10 lvl = 1/50 memeber
    • 11-15 lvl = 1/100
    • 16-25 lvl = 1/150
    Price establish Guild: 99 silver
    Edit: People may choose to "sell REQUEST APPOINTMENT GUILD"
    Leader or captain may select "
    YES or NO"

    What will the Guild profile?
    • Feed
    • points XP
    • "Apply"
    • send a message
    • Jurisdiction (Director decides to change the power)
    • Attacking Guild city
    City Guild for what?
    • You may attack enemy city guilds
    • Maybe enough points you can buy things from the Guild!
    • Maybe TOP 10 (Enhancement stuff)
    • Maybe work together and attack
    • Maybe "DIPLOMAT" - Mimogild add groups (1/5)

  2. leska7

    leska7 Forum Greenhorn

    I agree!
  3. Talicni

    Talicni Forum Connoisseur

    lvl guild - bonuses while guild lvling? wow style?
    guild ranking - better if not changed, you need - guild founder, ppl who can inv and members why start making things complicated :p?
    member size - shouldn't be linked with guild/guild founder lvl, and size of 50 is MUCH more then needed

    as for other points you went a little bit ahead, maybe start with simpler things as in option where you can register online guild members for 6x6 or something and i don't rly understand whole guild city thing :p
  4. Bimba123

    Bimba123 Someday Author

    Talicni good :) Maybe :p
  5. Amend

    Amend Junior Expert

    It sounds like a good idea, but would have to agree with @Talicni that you need to start simple then get complex :D
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