Suggestion Guild Runs

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by iNeXoRaBlE, Feb 5, 2017.

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  1. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    Since the update with the solo Runs at the worlds bosses people go alone to farm. So i have a cool suggestion. It would be nice to make the guilds something useful too, so if there were a world that would allow a massive (10) people to go as a team a hard boss that would require at least 10people to finish.
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  2. calinka

    calinka Forum Apprentice

    Hi, first if this is happening than that is not a guild, second is already in development something for groups so until they will release it official nothing can be done. Good luck.
  3. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    I kinda like the idea. In the past whenever 'more stuff for guilds' to do has come up the response has been Guiild battles. Since I don't see pvp being straitened out any time soon that idea would only add to the mess.

    PvE stuff, like this suggestion, for guilds could be an interesting alternative.

    Luck be with ye,
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