Having trouble at Slifmoor on my Ranger :-S

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by AltairBanished, Jan 5, 2014.

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  1. AltairBanished

    AltairBanished Forum Apprentice

    Since the Event has gone live i am having issue with the "connection attempt failed" error, Other of my Characters can wander every area/maps of the MMO except the silfmoor, I can Tele to P.O.S but i just can't step a foot at Slifmoor. The moment i step out the Werian Sanctuary i get the Error..

    What the heck is wrong here :(
  2. zebruhs

    zebruhs Forum Apprentice

    post in technical support
  3. AltairBanished

    AltairBanished Forum Apprentice

    okay Thanks :)
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