hello everyone

Discussion in 'Guild Search' started by mehdibeloulhi69126, Nov 6, 2021.

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  1. mehdibeloulhi69126

    mehdibeloulhi69126 Forum Greenhorn

    hello everyone its been doing now 1 month that I took over darkensang, I am active (every day) and I farm enormously my problem is that I am for the moment only 100 k of damage and soon 150 k of critical hit I would have need a guild or just a group of people who could help me evolve faster I need a lot of things (precious stones, runes, and outfits of all kinds like the royal brigavik boots) if someone is interested i'm on the heredur server my is "bloodknight69"
    thanks in advance
    ps: forgive me for my bad english i use a translator
  2. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    good luck in your quest for a guild...