Help about gems ( spellweaver )

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Fotaras2003, Feb 9, 2020.

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  1. Fotaras2003

    Fotaras2003 Forum Greenhorn

    Since I recently started playing this game and I don't know a lot of stuff about how it works yet, could someone tell me what exact gems should I use in each slot? ex. Helm etc. I would really appreciate whoever decides to help me. Thanks in advance!
  2. KingsGambit

    KingsGambit Forum Expert

    Obviously rubies in weapon and onyxes in adorment. Defensive gems are based on increasing their effectivness with runes rarer enchantments. If you don't have those order doesn't matter. Normally you always use amethysts in rings, diamonds in belt, cyanites in torso. Further it's less concrete as it's individual if you get benefits from having particular gems in particular pieces of equipment. Might be random or may matter. Usually you also want to have least amount of cyanites so you upgrading them in first place. That's all basically.
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