help about mortis

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by medusa666, Apr 3, 2014.

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  1. medusa666

    medusa666 Forum Apprentice

    Hi everyone ; i hope this thread placed proper place..
    Me and other friends just wonderin about defeat mortis and i got a few questions..can somebody help and answer those i will be glad that :)

    i understand that mortis few skills that trow some blue fire breath ; calling bodyguards ; spinnin around himself and some drop smoked area randomly..

    -first i counted that the mortis 4 hit per round for trow blue fire..
    -counted 4 hit per round spinnin..
    but i cant count and understand that drop that smoked area..
    can anyone counted how many rounds per hit then drop smoked area ?
    and wonderin that smoked area randomly place trow or some aim targeted player trow?

    sorry for bad english;thanks a lot..:)
  2. sper009

    sper009 Padavan

    From what I can tell, he drops that puddle of goo on the target he is about to come after. Not sure about the timing of it.
  3. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

  4. medusa666

    medusa666 Forum Apprentice

    hi @Mal3ficent

    that video doesnt answer my question :( i specially wanna learn about mortis's circle smoke area.. :) thanks..
  5. Hartvig

    Hartvig Forum Inhabitant

    I don´t think anyone have tryed to learn the system of those things... But they are not as impartint as avoiding breaths;)
    BTW, the DK in the video is insane OP, you will probably have to use red essense:)
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Here is everything I know about the Negation Puddles (What everyone I know calls them). Obviously, while inside one, you cannot attack, use potions, and you have an armor break. I have never timed them to know exactly when in his sequence of moves it comes, but they are always centered on the player who has agro. There is a slight casting time for it so if you are moving, you may be out of it by the time it forms. If not, it can sometimes be annoying to get out of it because if you click on an enemy while you are inside the puddle, you won't move even if they are outside the puddle. To get out, you need to click in open space. This is somewhat annoying because Mortis' hit box is so large. The worst thing that can happen to you is that you get hit with either his spin or his breath while inside the puddle because of the armor break.

    What else do you want to know?
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