Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by lanxter, Aug 12, 2018.

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  1. lanxter

    lanxter Forum Apprentice

    So i started playing yesterday ... i chose the steam mechanicus class cause it looked unique and out of ordinary .. now i m lvl 28 with weak stats . i m having a hard time finishing dungeons ( easy mode) or at least it takes forever to kill all mobs .. especially when there are too many so my mechanical turrets become useless cause it can't deal enough dmg .. so i try using the machine gun turrets but i'll have to move arround without leaving the range to redirect the mobs to get hit .the problem that i suffer alot of dmg in the process and sometimes die especially when some skills are useless.. i really use the best gear i could find but i m really unlucky ( using a lvl 22 weapon cause it s literally the best weapon i had so far)
    i dont know what to do !!should i look for better gear ?or look for specific stats like attck speed ? ? or change my tactics when killing mobs ? should i farm something else (cause i dont know how to use some stuff) .? if so where should i go ,?
    i dont like using essence cause i want to be able to to farm without any ..

    you can see my stats and image here

    any advice will be appericiated
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2018
  2. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    slow down leveling until gear catches up to your level or stay weak. get into groups when doing dungeons. getting gear with gem slots and using gems may help and it looks as if you are not using your essences. Finding a decent guild with members that will help even with just advice will help also
    lanxter likes this.