Heredur 5v5

Discussion in 'PvP Players Wanted' started by kotk434, Jan 31, 2018.

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  1. kotk434

    kotk434 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, can someone help win 45 flags? Its not much but I need a good tank, good team. Hapenns that flag lasts 15 minutes or i loose 8 in a row because of my low team. Im not super strong so i dont have big chance against players with 150k hp and 15k dmg full crit etc.. Im doing 20-30 kills(mine dmg is 23k while arena, 80% crit and more..)
    With good team we will win 4-5 flags in 20-30 mins and with weak 1 in 1hour;(
    Post your nicknames in comments because my nick contains russian letters(im not russian;p).
    Sorry for grammar guys! Hope u will understand me.
  2. Aslandroth

    Aslandroth Regular

    You should post what server you play on, so potential team mates can find you.
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Read the title.
    Aslandroth and Morinphen like this.
  4. Aslandroth

    Aslandroth Regular

  5. AnorLondo

    AnorLondo Forum Greenhorn

    take it sweety!