hi again!

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by caramelosdecianuro, Apr 13, 2021.

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  1. caramelosdecianuro

    caramelosdecianuro Forum Apprentice

    I'm trying to download the game but it won't work after the executable appears on my desktop. What should I do ? I haven't played for years and everything has changed a lot.
    Greetings !
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Are you on a Mac? DSO stopped working on Macs about 2 years ago (possibly you can get it going with a Windows emulator, but that's outside of my realm of knowledge).


    If your computer is instead running Windows, you should be able to double-click that executable file on your desktop to start the installation process. What's being installed is the "client," a very simple launch tool that by default is saved into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Drakensang Online" ... but most of the data files will be downloaded separately and saved into your %TEMP% folder.

    Most likely, after the installation you'll find a Drakensang Online folder in your Windows start menu. You can launch the client from there.
  3. caramelosdecianuro

    caramelosdecianuro Forum Apprentice

    Hello mate!
    I hope you have a good day today! Indeed I had not noticed that DSO did not work in IOS, but I could already open on the desktop computer that if it is windows and it is great! a greeting!
    dkarl likes this.