Suggestion Hidden Sacrum PW Idea...

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MegaNuker, Aug 21, 2015.

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  1. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    This would be a great way of doing PW for Herald.

    The map Hidden Sacrum would have 4 mighty bosses. Each one comes from clicking on the pilliar. Once the 4th boss is defeated you then get an arrow into Herald. Once inside the exit arrow takes you to watery grave. Each time you face him you have defeat the 4 bosses. Now the Hidden Sacrum and Herald's Ceramonial Hall are linked zones (if someone sits in Hidden Sacrum once you zone into Herald he will be dead from the last time you fought him.) The 4 bosses drop mighty fragments for one PW gear set. Herald drops powerful Fragments for all quests for that region.

    Suggestion Tegans Wall minor for one quest and Sanctuary is the mighty. Next quest is Sanctuary is minor and Dragons Caverns the mighty the 3rd quest is Caverns minor and hidden Mighty the 4th quest is Hidden Sacrum minor and Tegan's wall the mighty.
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