Announcement High Ping for US users

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Sep 10, 2020.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Dear Heroes,

    If you are playing from the US (South and North America) on our Agathon and Tegan servers, please report your high ping / lags in this thread.​

    Please make sure to include all of the following details:​
    • Country you are playing from
    • Ping test result for the server you play on
    • The server you play on
    • Your Internet provider
    We do not need your connection's ping test result, but the ping test for the server you play on. To check your ping, go to Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
    or Search for Run and type in cmd

    Then, enter your server address:
    • ping
    • ping
    Thank you for your cooperation!

    Best regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
    Shine2, Oessian and cigarbennett like this.
  2. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    hmmm ok not sure,,, give you what I know. doesn't seem high to most. But my ms was 25-30 before the migration. now 50ms with lag spikes of 200ms-800ms. Mult screen freezes, and maps take for ever to load compared to before the migration.

    United States
    minimum = 48ms, Maximum = 50ms, Average = 48ms
  3. cogix

    cogix Regular

    not long ago, normal ping in game was 18-20ms. Now it is about 40ms. Changing map it takes about 10 sec (the screen is just one color).

    US - California
    average 40ms, but with 1 packet loss over 4 ping (tried 5 times)
    server Agathon
    provider Xfinity
    cigarbennett and AK47TestPlayer like this.
  4. bilybob

    bilybob Junior Expert

    Country: Canada
    Results: Minimum = 77ms, Maximum = 95ms, Average = 48ms
    Server: Agathon
    Provider: Rogers
    cigarbennett likes this.
  5. cogix

    cogix Regular

    UPDATE: I did continuous ping today.
    sent 52 packets, received 35, lost 17
    average 37 ms

    a bit better the ping, but too many packets lost
    cigarbennett likes this.

    SAGITÁRIO!!! Forum Apprentice

    Pais; BRASIL
    Mínimo = 193ms, Máximo = 194ms, Média = 193ms
    servidor: Agathon
    provedor: Wasat Telecom
    cigarbennett likes this.
  7. BaldHead

    BaldHead Forum Greenhorn

    Country: Brazil
    Results: Minimum = 209ms, Maximum = 210ms, Average = 210ms
    Server: Agathon
    Provider: Jupiter Telecom
    cigarbennett likes this.
  8. Bubble

    Bubble Someday Author

    Country: Argentina
    Results: Minimun 195ms Maximun 199ms Average 196ms
    Server Agathon
    Provider: Fibertel Telecom
    cigarbennett likes this.
  9. Archane

    Archane Forum Apprentice

    Country: USA
    Results: Minimum 69ms, Maximum 70ms, Average 69ms
    Server: Agathon
    Provider: Hargray
    cigarbennett likes this.
  10. Diva_Aginaberta

    Diva_Aginaberta Forum Greenhorn

    Country: Brazil
    Server: Agathon
    Results: Minimum = 205ms, Maximum = 205ms, Average = 205ms
    Provider: Romão E Carvalho Comunicação E Multimídia Ltda Me[​IMG]
    cigarbennett likes this.
  11. Kiwigal1244

    Kiwigal1244 Active Author

    Country: New Zealand
    Server: Tegan
    Provider: Vodafone Fibre unlimited
    Not sure what ping is however, ms now at 140 -160 . Tegan server, (
    Cannot load game beyond 140 update on either Tegan or Agathon.
    Entry /exits maps dungeons ... delay lag, When entering a dungeon, I am rubber-band right into mobs

    Unable to acquire any of the rewards in events eg *gold fairy* etc
    cigarbennett likes this.
  12. linco1

    linco1 Forum Apprentice

    Country: Brasil
    Results: Minimum 297ms, Maximum 288ms, Average 297ms
    Server: Agathon
    Provider: Go In Tecnologia
    cigarbennett likes this.
  13. Dümbledore

    Dümbledore Someday Author

    • Country: Brazil/Rio de Janeiro
    • Ping test result: Minimum = 179ms, Maximum = 285ms, Average = 205ms -
      Packages: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% of loss)
    • The server you play on: Agathon
    • Your Internet provider: INTNET -

      It's really bad after Release 244
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2020
  14. Testador

    Testador Junior Expert

    • Country: Brazil/São Paulo
    • Ping test: Minimum = 257ms, Maximum = 259ms, Average = 257ms
    • Server: Agathon

      The connection has gotten bad since the Update R243, still bad with the 244.
  15. BonnyAcz

    BonnyAcz Forum Greenhorn

    • México
    • Mínimo = 80ms, Máximo = 80ms, Media = 80ms
    • Agathon
    • PROVEEDOR: Megakk
  16. nabucodonosor2010

    nabucodonosor2010 Forum Greenhorn

    • Colombia.
    • Min=189 ms. Max=256 ms. Prom= 191 ms
    • Agathon
    • ETB.

    An optimization would be helpful...

    Mouse cursor jumps on screen, disappears. Maps take time to load, the game takes you out as you play.

    cigarbennett likes this.
  17. aleyem

    aleyem Forum Greenhorn

    Ecuador. Minimo 160ms, Máximo165ms, media162ms.
    cigarbennett likes this.
  18. Kyrara

    Kyrara Forum Greenhorn

    Country: Brazil
    Minimum: 188ms Maximum: 189ms Average: 188ms
    Server: Agathon
    Internet: VOX Conexão
    cigarbennett likes this.
  19. Mercenariohs

    Mercenariohs Forum Greenhorn

    Country: Brasil/PR

    17 191 ms 213 ms 191 ms
    18 * * * Esgotado o tempo limite do pedido.
    19 192 ms 192 ms 192 ms
    20 192 ms 193 ms 192 ms

    Persis Telecom óptica speed

    Server Agathon
    cigarbennett likes this.
  20. arrukard

    arrukard Forum Greenhorn

    Country: Brazil
    Results: 189 min, 192 max, Ave: 189
    Server: Agathon
    Provider: Maralex

    After server migration, my connection has a critical problem in every possible way. Something I didn't have before.
    cigarbennett likes this.
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