Suggestion Higher gold value while selling unidentified items

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by alchimista, Jun 22, 2017.

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Selling an unidentified items at +50% of its value is a :

Poll closed Jul 2, 2017.
  1. Good suggestion to work on

  2. No, I don't find it interesting

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  1. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    Clear and simple suggestion.

    1) you choose to "open" the item and check for its stats ( as same as now )
    2) you sell it at full price ( +50% more higher value )

    What do you all think about it ?

    Suggestions ?

    Obviously the "%" is purely indicative.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
  2. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    I do not feel gold is an issue in this game so no need to get weird with it.

    Luck be with ye,
  3. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    IT is just an Idea to suggest.
    Something that put you between open an item ( and check your curiosity ) or sell it
  4. Gevilson

    Gevilson Active Author

    Two doubts about your suggestion:

    1) would unidentified items have the cost they have right now, and identified items cheaper than now? (a nerf)
    2) would identified items sell for the same they do right now and unidentified for 50% higher? (somewhat a buff)

    Without premium or deluxe gold is indeed a problem, at least for me... But identifying every item and finding the casual junk with 1 gold line here and there would save more gold and time in the long run, I think. At least if you're a crafter. If you're not, probably it's not such a bad idea (depending on which of the options above would be implemented).
  5. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    You need around 34k gold for a single 4/4 crafted item and probably more it you start crafting legendaries from exos just to use em as junk and this isn't a problem for you?

    It's not a problem if you use andermant for the craft and/or you have permanent premium/deluxe membership with discount on benchwork crafts, otherwise, anyone will have problem with gold... at least the ones that want to craft.

    The only problem is that items do have applied enchantments at the moment you drop em and not when you identify em.
    You can guess the enchantments it has just by looking at his gold value.
    The suggestion would be appliable only is they totally change the actual way it's created an item.
    alchimista likes this.
  6. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    1) NO
    2) YES

    But in the end, seems that the community don't give interest about gold.
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