Suggestion hope character wont be limited by severs

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by Misscayce, Apr 5, 2021.

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  1. Misscayce

    Misscayce Forum Apprentice

    i have played my character on uswest sever for 2-3 years
    im very pleased with my character , and i love my friend in game .
    but in middle 2020 , there the disaster is coming ,
    i dont know why my game connetion become very bad ,
    so i cant play this game in most time ,its so sad to me .
    1 year past ,this situation is not changed a bit .
    this make me very unhappy .
    i found that other sever connection speed is little good to me ,
    but i must start over , and i cant play and chat with my old friend ,
    can anyone help me ? i want my game back . pls...
  2. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Considering that both Agathon and Tegan are both on the same physical computer in California, I think you have a serious local ISP problem. You need to look from your computer to where your provider connects to the "main" internet backbone lines. There is where you will find your problem. Start with broadband speed tests (use multiples to get better picture).

    I know many people up and down the East Coast that are not having any problems playing.
  3. Misscayce

    Misscayce Forum Apprentice

    Im not in usa , i play game in another land .
  4. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    It doesn't matter where you play from, what I said is still valid and applies.
  5. LeslieCha

    LeslieCha Forum Apprentice

    I agree. This is applicable in a similar situation anywhere in the world.