Announcement Hotfix of Release 160

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by teddy.bear, Jan 20, 2016.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello Heroes,

    We are applying a hotfix on the 21st of January with the following schedule and content.

    LIVE SYNC, Thursday 21.01.2016


    09:00 am CET (UTC +1) start count down on all instances (30 minutes)
    09:30 am CET (UTC +1)
    start maintenance (takes at least 90 minutes)
    11:00 am CET (UTC +1)
    servers going online again

    The hotfix contains:

    Missing Translations
    Fully translated text when trying to increase the slots of your locker

    Mystic Cubes
    Non-premium users do not get any mystic cubes anympre

    Materi Fragments
    No more map server crash when picking up Materi fragments

    Wrong Item Drop for Ranger
    Rangers no longer receive Dragonknight weapons

    Still known issues:

    The following issues are known to the developing team. A second hotfix is currently planned to be launched on Tuesday morning the 26th of January. (Update: Hotfix has been postponed!)

    • Ranger skill ‘Heavy Arrows’ & Steam Mechanicus skill ‘Steel core Ammo’ displaying a wrong value in their tooltip.
    • Heavy Arrows increases the damage by 25% and not by 33%.
    • Steel Core Ammo increases the damage by 10% instead of 20%
    Travel Maps/Ratios (Parallel Worlds)
    If a player gets into a group with somebody that has reached the last map of a the Parallel Worlds and he tries to use a travel map to join him, he gets put into a different instance and can't meet up. This seems to be due to the fact that the travel maps actually send players to different maps.

    NPC Salvendar sells weapon too often
    The legendary weapon sold by Salvendar in Cardhun should only be purchaseable once a day, but it can be purchased multiple times if the player reloads the map.
    Best regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
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