Announcement Hotfix of Release 163

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by teddy.bear, Apr 6, 2016.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello Heroes,

    We are applying a hotfix on the 7th of April with the following schedule and content:​

    LIVE SYNC, Thursday 07.04.2016

    09:00 am CEST (UTC +2) start count down on all instances (30 minutes)
    09:30 am CEST (UTC +2)
    start maintenance (takes at least 60 minutes)
    10:30 am CEST (UTC +2)
    servers going online again​

    Hero Packages

    The in-game description of the Hero Packages was incorrect, as it did not mention the 20 Mighty Spirit guard that the package contains.
    This has been corrected and now contains the following pieces:​
    • 20 x Friendly Blessing of Might
    • 20 x Friendly Blessing of Speed
    • 20 x Friendly Blessing of Protection
    • 20 x Mighty Spirit Guardian
    Event: Invasion on the Resistance Command Center

    During the quest For the Resistance! (3/3) after killing the boss, your hero must go to Kingshill and talk to the NPC the Seer.
    If you choose to go to any other map before that, you were receiving a system message that the quest has been cancelled.
    You must then farm for an entry to the Resistance Command Center, then kill the boss again.

    Premium and Deluxe Membership

    Players did not get Premium and Deluxe benefits when buying it while not being logged into the game.

    Client Crash

    A crash was fixed that was caused when a male character equipped the Jungle Crawler costume while wearing a piece of the Atlantis set.

    A crash with the following message has been corrected
    expression: localPlayer.isvalid()
    file: ..\..\client\chat\
    line: 1551
    func: void __thiscall Chat::ChatWidget::SendCurrentTextToActiveChannel(void)

    Another crash with the following message has been corrected
    ERROR ***
    Application: Drasa Map Server (Instance 481 Id e3c671e2-d842-4935-a3e3-b9d573b75d48)
    Error: *** NEBULA ASSERTION ***
    Best regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
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