How can I move my characters between servers ?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by nvmind, May 19, 2019.

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  1. nvmind

    nvmind Forum Inhabitant

    I think I've seen this topic long ago, but I cannot find it. I thought moving characters between servers is not possible, but now I see that someone moved his char, with stats and everything, from Balor to Heredur. How can I do that ?
  2. Sorry, it is not possible. It is a much requested feature, but there has not been any indication that the developers are working on it at this time.

    The individual that you think moved from Balor to Heredur is either misleading you, or you misunderstood. If you aren't convinced, send a ticket to support for them to investigate the account in question.
  3. nvmind

    nvmind Forum Inhabitant

    Why was my previous thread locked ? I don't think a character moved between the server, it is as clear as the day. There is no misunderstanding. Heredur had a no.1 player with 60 million pvp points for long time and then someone suddenly appeared with 99 million points out of nowhere. Anyone on Heredur can see that, is not hidden. And just happened that I know that character and his number of PVP points from Balor. No one misled me.

    There is no reason for support ticket, as the character didn't move by itself, without the support's help.

    This is not about the developers, if are working on it or not. Technologically it is possible, it was already done. I was just asking if this is now a feature we all can use or is for special players only.
    Last edited: May 19, 2019
    Elégedetlenkedő likes this.
  4. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @nvmind ,

    We can't move any characters between servers. It's not allowed/possible. Officially, we have no information about this process. It was never possible to do it.

    If you have a especific player in mind, open a ticket to the support and provide all the information that you have to prove your statement. It's more than a reason to open a support ticket. It's not at all a discussion to have in the forum. That's probably why your previous thread was locked.


  5. I thought I was rather clear when I answered the question, and gave you an option if you doubted my answer or had evidence to the contrary. Generally, when a thread is closed, it means there is nothing more to be said on the topic. Also, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the Forum Guidelines, particularly this part:
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