How long do you have to wait to be selected for PVP group fights?

Discussion in 'PvP (Player vs. Player)' started by Serpeno00, Dec 10, 2023.

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  1. Serpeno00

    Serpeno00 Forum Apprentice

    I am an old player who took a break from the game for several years. I'm going to come back, but I'm mainly focused on PVP. Are you now waiting a long time to be selected for group fights at lvl 100? I played at lvl 45-55, and then it was quick to match for PVP, then it was fun. Does it make sense to come back to the game if I mainly want to play PVP in a group? Regards.
  2. ABC

    ABC Moderator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello there, welcome back :)

    Your pvp experience is probably going to be determined by how large/populated your server is; in other words, if you are in one of the busier servers like Heredur, you will likely have more opportunities to be active in pvp than otherwise. ^^
    vazull likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    To give a simple answer: PVP is pretty much dead in this game for couple years now, no matter what server.
    cigarbennett likes this.
  4. Satanicmorbid

    Satanicmorbid Forum Apprentice

  5. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    PVP has been dead since revision 155 when the changed skill trees. It is never coming back with all this rebalancing nonsense. If you really want to do PVP you need to find another game.
  6. dam18

    dam18 Junior Expert

    Heredur you also have to wait an eternity for group PVP matches.
  7. Drabis777

    Drabis777 Forum Apprentice

    Is it possible to merge all the EU servers into 1 big one? One big happy family?
  8. VashCrazyHamster

    VashCrazyHamster Forum Apprentice

    5vs5, flag, was the best game ever. But.. it was made up of 2 parts, the game + the excellent players. This mix made it fun. Even going back, it is difficult to recreate the same community.
  9. salotr

    salotr Forum Pro

    Is there a specific reason for this problem?
    For example: finding yourself fighting against a player of the same level or lower but with equipment 20-30 levels above? :D