How to convert Pet to Altered Crescerite?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by AlexDK, May 6, 2019.

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  1. AlexDK

    AlexDK Someday Author


    how can I convert pets into Altered Crescerite?

    I've bought the "Schematic: Altered Crescerite" from Matrona, in Kingshill.
    In the description it says: "This teaches you the method to turn pets into Altered Crescerites".


    But in the workbench, when I right-click over the Altered Crescerite icon, as instructed, nothing happens. I don't receive nothing. What I'm I doing wrong?


    Thank you.
  2. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    If I'm not wrong you can convert only pets that you already have in the collector bag. If you don't have it you can't convert it in crescerite, you must put it in the bag...don't Know if it's your situation...
  3. AlexDK

    AlexDK Someday Author

    If a pet is in the collector bag, I can't put it in the workbench. As far as I've tried, it's impossible to have the collectors bag and the workbench both open at the same time. And it also seems that it's not possible to move a item from the collectors bag back to the inventory...
  4. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    You must have a Second pet of the same kind, For example two raptor, then you can convert the Second, while you have the first in the bag.
  5. AlexDK

    AlexDK Someday Author

    Thanks, I'll try it when I get a repeated pet. I was trying to buy the "Jumpy Squire" pet again (because it's the cheapest) to test, but it's no longer is available to buy (or any other that I already have in the collectors bag, it seems like it's not possible to buy again a pet that is already inside the collector bag).
  6. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    yes, this thing was introduced with the pet melting, so in this way they avoid the possibility of accumulating crescerite from buying pets with gold.
    I drop pets from mobs, chests and from eggs in the spring event and melt them when they were repeated pets.
  7. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Well, first of all, you bought it from the wrong merchant. Any of the crafting quest givers sell the schematic for gold instead of wasting draken. You wasted half your draken on something that you could have bought for 120 gold.

    Second, as you already had explained to you, you have to have the pet in your collector's bag before you can melt the pet. And, as you discovered, you can't buy a buy a pet that is already in your collector's bag or inventory. This is intentional to prevent people from exploiting the system and buying a ton of the Jumpy Squires to then melt.

    Pet melting is only designed to be used with repeat pets that drop, not pets that can be bought. Pets like the essence spouts, parrots, and a couple others are really common drops from chests opened with lockpicks. You also can get some pets from events, rewards for collector's bag accumulation, from daily deals, random monster drops, etc. Those can be melted, proving that you already have the pets in your collector's bag.
  8. AlexDK

    AlexDK Someday Author

    @gbit and @_Baragain_

    Thank you a lot for your help.

    Well, that was a kick in the nuts.

    Hopefully that information won't come to later for other fellow players wanting to buy the same recipe!

    Thank you.
    gbit likes this.
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Sorry... I'm not usually the sort to kick a guy when they're down, but I saw that and I winced. There is also one you can buy for clovers, and that is an equally bad deal when compared to buying it for gold.
    AlexDK likes this.