Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SonuJ2, Mar 26, 2016.

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  1. SonuJ2

    SonuJ2 Forum Apprentice


    Ok, i tried the last option too... its no use ...the same response (gnob with message "THE GAME NEED YOUR BLA BLA...).

    I am using Java 32-bit :) ...
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    OK knowing this ... there is no other reason but you are missing permission to run.
    You said you did these steps
    but try again and do it in right order ... uninstall java then delete the Java folder and then install java again.

    Also try this:
    go to and create a new account ... start the game and see if you can play. Don't worry you don't have to play that new account it is just for testing.

    BTW you didn't said anything about this
    Are you having too much windows/tabs open?
    SonuJ2 likes this.
  3. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Does this say they tried and it did not work.
    SonuJ2 likes this.
  4. SonuJ2

    SonuJ2 Forum Apprentice

    @trakilaki ...I'm missing the permission box from java.Now it doesnt show me the box.

    I dont open multiple tabs while playing DSO,And also idont download or upload anything while playing :) ..

    No, they didnt. While verifying it just crashes.Same while trying to play the game :( .
  5. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Check and see if you are running Firefox as admin.
    You do not want to run as Admin...

    Right click on the icon and hit proporties.

    In the compatibility tab make sure run as admin is unchecked.

    Also check your firewall settings. Make sure it allows DRO_Client.exe to not block. And can try once to disable firewall and try. Just remember to enable it back.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2016
    SonuJ2 likes this.
  6. SonuJ2

    SonuJ2 Forum Apprentice

    I dont see DRO_Client.exe in firewall programs...All others 'checked'...
  7. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    OK sad to hear try disabling one and see. Also try disable for 10 mins anti virus.
    SonuJ2 likes this.
  8. SonuJ2

    SonuJ2 Forum Apprentice

    Does this prevent java from crashing ?? ...just curious :)
  9. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    The plug in crash could be from having a new flat installed and another older program installing an older version on top. If this is the problem to correct it you might want to use their uninstaller.

    The crash normaly still lets you play the firewall will not normaly cause it to crash but it could it from preventing it from getting data.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2016
    SonuJ2 likes this.
  10. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Did you disabled the other plugins?
    Anyway I will uninstall my Java and delete the Java folder and try to replicate your issue.

    PS - I can't do it now I am making a event guide ... i will do it later.
    SonuJ2 likes this.
  11. SonuJ2

    SonuJ2 Forum Apprentice

    I have uninstallled flash and reinstalled it, nothing happend...And in the firewall options when i said 'all checked', it is a mistake...not all programs are checked,Only a few are checked and DRO_Client.exe is missing. :( ...Theres tons of programs in ..maybe i am not searching in the right way.

    I did , Only java and mozilla plugins allowed in my browser.I think we are half way there ;) ..Atleast now it is responding ( or crashing) .
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Try this
    so you can see if same happens again.
    Also Switch to any other server ... and see if the you get any progress.
    SonuJ2 likes this.
  13. SonuJ2

    SonuJ2 Forum Apprentice

    @trakilaki, it happens again , The moment when java permission box pops up,the 'Unresponsive plugin' window also pops up :( , I tried to increase the prompt time by '20' in firefox (about:config)..



    I tried turning off firewall in my anti-virus it didnt work...But later that i 'unchecked' the hardware accelaration option in firefox and turn off antivirus , surprisingly it worked O.O .....But when i turn on antiivirus it crashes :( ....NOW WHAT ?!?!.... MegaNuker and trakilaki...u guys can help me (again)..Please bros ....:)
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 31, 2016
  14. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    OK what virus program are you useing. Might have to configure it for this game.

    Hardware assertion is a relitivly new feature (no really new but kinda) with that not everyone updates their video drivers nor check daily for them (yes I used to check every time I loaded up chrome it was my home page.) My suggestion for the hardware accretion part would be check your video drivers and if you need an update do just that. The hardware accretion most affects how the plug in run video and other moving content (scrolling a webpage...) The game does not run inside of Firefox but uses the Web browser to create a connection to the DSO servers and is used to download a viewer program of sorts. Here is where your having issues. Or it seems like that is the case so far.

    You can normally tell a virus program to ignore a certain program but here is the delima if you use Firefox to browse the Internet telling you virus program to ignore that is not wise. If you where to use Firefox only for the game and use Chrome for everything else then ignoring firefox is not as harmful.

    The term for ignore could be exempt or allow or it's safe option. Checking the logs of you virus program and see if you have never allow set to something if that is the case could be part of the problem. Just switch it to prompt or ask.
    SonuJ2 likes this.
  15. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    What antivirus are you using?
    Make exclusion to all necessary processes ... you should be able to do it somewhere in options.
    What would I do ... turn the Antivirus off while I am playing.
    In fact I am not having antivirus installed on my PC. I don't need it.
    I am visiting risky web sites on daily basis ... like torrent and warez web sites ... yet my PC is clean. I was using Avira Free Antivirus in the past (which proved to be better than any other paid trash like Kaspersky or Norton etc.) but i don't use it anymore ... because of one very simple reason: IF my PC get infected ... by any chance ... the process of scanning and removing the pests (if can be removed) takes hours ... Why should I spend hours of scanning when I can install a fresh copy of Windows OS in 20 minutes :)

    So ... I am not suggesting you to remove the antivirus but turn it off while playing or at least make exclusions to game and Java processes.
    SonuJ2 likes this.
  16. SonuJ2

    SonuJ2 Forum Apprentice

    @trakilaki and @MegaNuker, Im using avast antivirus :) ......

    So u are suggesting me to turn off my firewall in avast while playing??.. o_O , Wont it harm my pc??...

    And @trakilaki,,what was that? Installing a copy of Windows?? how do u do that?

    and thanks for helping :) A GAZILLION TIMES !!!!
  17. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You can turn it off ...

    You can format your PC and install the OS again whenever you want ... you can do that unlimited times.
    Only if you change the PC configuration ... i.e changing Motherbord or CPU ... your PC will be treated as a new PC ... in that case you can install your OS on up to 2 PCs.

    And installing fresh Windows 7 OS is taking me ~20 minutes.
    SonuJ2 likes this.
  18. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    You can also type in recover and use the recovery of windows 7. It will install windows without media not a product key.
    SonuJ2 likes this.
  19. SonuJ2

    SonuJ2 Forum Apprentice

    @trakilaki and MegaNuker. thanks for helping me out ! ...

    BTW i 'Lliked" your posts :) ...Thanks ...You can close the thread :D
  20. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Of course you can ... but that is not fresh installation. :)

    SonuJ2 No problem ... I am glad we could help.
    SonuJ2 likes this.
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