Suggestion How to improve Steam Mechanicus, suggestions

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Krugslayer, May 2, 2015.

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  1. Krugslayer

    Krugslayer Forum Apprentice

    Steam Mechanicus is the least popular class in a game and it is not only because it is a dwarf. The main problem is that SM is too slow in many things. Here are my suggestions how to improve him:

    Bomb - Make them detonate faster
    Rocket Pack - Speed up the animation, let him 'fly' smoother
    Heavy Shot - Remove 3 second cooldown. (if you think its gonna be OP, make animation a bit slower instead)

    Experience tree
    Oil Slick - Let Oil Slick cause damage just like 'Hunting Traps' skill for Ranger, because now this skill is rather useless.
    Nimble Feet - 10% faster instead of 5%.

    As you can see the main problem with SM is (in my opinion) the lack of speed in many things he do. I would really like to see some changes in that class.
  2. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Heavy shot used to be faster in combination with the mech turret cool down talent. For whatever reason it was slowed down and no reason was given.
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