how to make a SpellWeaver more tanky?

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by -kharin-, Aug 14, 2023.

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  1. -kharin-

    -kharin- Forum Apprentice

    Which stats i need to upgrade and how?
    Block? Armor?
  2. ShamisSabri

    ShamisSabri Someday Author

    Wrong game, spell weavers don't get tanky in this game.
    Mine has a health of over 2 million, with good armor, resistance and block; and still dies easy.

    In anycase, below is the little that you can do:
    -Focus on crafting 100% health lines on atleast 2 items
    -Max upgrade all your health, armor, block, resistance runes
    -Upgrade your health gems as high as possible
    -kharin- likes this.
  3. Darkness90

    Darkness90 Junior Expert

    At least 60% armor and resistances for a decent stats. Upgrade runes, uniques level, yellow base, open gem slots... I guess you want join worm boss in blood mode or other hard place, i think don't should join usually where can't deal some damage even if can keep standing, there's million of toons searching one slot and million of op players ignoring request even to maxed characters by this reason. Try to balance and improve everything at once step by step
    -kharin- likes this.
  4. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    You don't need to worry about either of those stats, or rather, you don't need to focus your items on them. You will get necessary resistances and armor from levelling them in the wisdom tree. Block can be used in off hand however that's done by a minority of players and it's not really meta, even less so when talking about mages. Your survivability will improve as you start building up your char in other aspects but unless you stay 1 handed you will come to realize that mages are made to be squished on harder difficulties. :D
    -JustForFun- likes this.
  5. -kharin-

    -kharin- Forum Apprentice

    Thank you all