Suggestion How to survive post R188 at lvl 55 ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by alchimista, May 1, 2017.

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  1. gun

    gun Forum Great Master


    Last night SW friend encourage me to tank Heredur Infernal. And we did it smoothly with this stats.
    Only 2 items that being pristine crafted amulet that is 4/4 %HP & Wep deco that is %Icroti. The belt is %damage belt:oops:
    The rest are original.
    1 or 2 HP potion used when the block failed and HP down near to bottom.
    My friend is skillful playing his SW, he knew how to read situation in particular moments like:
    - When I was not be able to taunt. Mostly because being stunned or trying to avoid one. He stoped attacking and wait, so the agro still on me.
    - When I did Rage Jump. My Armor & Rage built up. Is good moment for him attack for about 5-6 second
    - When I did Dragon Hide. He recognize the animation and fully attack using most damaging skill to drop Heredur's HP much as possible in 8-10 seconds, and stoped his attack to read situation again.

    A DK friend with similar stats, more armor since he already pristine crafted his torso but not yet 70%. Routinely tank Dragan infernal.

    I think it is more about courage to just try with whatever we have and make adjustment on the fight.
    If one can survive, improving the stats is to make the fight more easier & less risk.
  2. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    Nice stats, my stats in tnak or almost identical except resis and crit. I only have 7% crit and I have 7.6k resis. My armor and block amount are about 9k and 62% block amount. Hp now 66k. I havn't done any pristine crafting yet.
    gun likes this.
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