I am not getting bonus wisdom after completing daily challenges

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by Ankit8617, May 2, 2020.

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  1. Ankit8617

    Ankit8617 Forum Apprentice

    In the daily challenge screen, I was shown that I will receive 250 + 19 Wisdom as bonus (from wisdom runes), but when I finished the daily challenge, I received only 250 Wisdom, instead of 269 Wisdom. Is it a bug or its like this ?
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    The daily challenge reward notice only displays the base amount, not any bonus on top of that, but you do get the bonus. For example, if you have two toons, the toon with the lower wisdom-level will get 250 + 250 more due to the mentor bonus, BP's way of helping boost your weaker toon. When that lower-level toon finishes the first daily challenge, the game will pop up a notification about the 250 wisdom just earned … but if you pay attention to the toon's wisdom count before and after the bonus is awarded, you'll see that the full 500 wisdom was added to the wisdom progress bar.
    trakilaki likes this.
  3. Ankit8617

    Ankit8617 Forum Apprentice

    I checked my Wisdom Bar before finishing the challenge, and after finishing the challenge. After subtracting the final and initial value of wisdom in wisdom bar, it showed the difference to be 250, and not 271 (I have wisdom runes of +21)


  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You should try again tomorrow.
    dkarl has already described the process ... you will get full reward base + bonus but you will be only seeing the bonus of 250x books from the daily.
    Here is one example with 2+1 wisdom runes.


    after competing the daily it is only showing the base reward


    but it is actually rewarding the full amount with the bonus


    23683 - 23430 = 253
  5. Ankit8617

    Ankit8617 Forum Apprentice


    I don't know why but its not working for me, If I remember well, it used to work correctly on my dwarf, but my mage is not getting the wisdom runes bonus from daily challenges. Please check the screenshots below. First screenshot was taken before finishing the challenge, and second one after finishing the challenge. The difference was 250 Wisdom, even when total shown to me was 250 + 23 Bonus.


  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Interesting ... could you make a sreenshot of those wisdom runes?
    BTW ... in what item are you using them?
  7. Ankit8617

    Ankit8617 Forum Apprentice

    Yes, here is the screenshot that you asked for, and I am using it on torso.

  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    OK ... those runes were made to be working in shoulders only, so I thought there could be a bug when they are used inside another item.
    But ... nope, they are still working as intended ... even when runes are placed in the torso.
    Still 253.
    The only way you would get 250x books without the bonus is if you remove the torso with the runes before you finish the daily quest.
  9. Ankit8617

    Ankit8617 Forum Apprentice


    Can you try finishing the PvP daily challenge of "Play 2 Battlegrounds" to get the first wisdom reward from daily challenge ? I noticed that in arena, the effects of my wisdom runes disappear, I dont know why its happening. Since, I always did daily arena quests to get the first wisdom bonus, it might be the reason I never noticed it, but its strange to see that wisdom runes dont work in arena.
  10. Steve75

    Steve75 Junior Expert

    Runes, gems, special set bonuses etc. does not work in pvp since bp implemented moba pvp so nothing to be checked here. You should complete a daily in pve in order to get the extra wisdom.
  11. Ankit8617

    Ankit8617 Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for the reply. I guess that already explains why I did not get the bonus. I request the MODs to close the topic :)
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You should have said it is the arena quest that you are doing.
    Like Steve75 said, they are not working in the arena ... so you need to be careful when you are doing pvp quests. Clover bonus from Helios Amulet is not working too.
  13. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    If you have Premium or Deluxe P. then your very first daily should be "Craft 1 item at workbench" (left column) and you should turn 3 gems to higher gem. Vwala. You have your wisdom bonus. Quick simple done.
  14. Ankit8617

    Ankit8617 Forum Apprentice

    Thank you for the replies guys :), I was not aware of the fact that runes don't work in arena, I am new to the game. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
  15. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

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