I am the Noobest player on the server

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ROTH66, Mar 14, 2014.

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  1. ROTH66

    ROTH66 Someday Author

    The server, has decided. I am so noob that I deserve to lose even the matches I win. :))


    Look at the score, then at my life bar. It's hilarious :)
  2. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    this doesn't always mean that youll lose. sometimes novice centurion is favored even if im Ardent knight :)
  3. ROTH66

    ROTH66 Someday Author

    Dude, I didn't think I should give any extra info, the pic should suffice. I won the battle. I was still standing, while he was eating grass. Yet the server decided otherwise.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2014
  4. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    I think this is the thing that bothers you? :) Its a bug with opponents watchman and your mind controll skill. Look at the left side of the screen, there was enemy watchman i casted mind cont on it (and i was with low hp), in the moment when a mind cont and a watchman disappearing coincide you get this, he shots one last time, but now at you, and you get killed ofc, but by yourself. Harakiri lvl expert. :D
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2014
  5. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    If you time the MC carefully, you can do it with wolves or tree as well 8)
    Zokin likes this.
  6. -Elizejs-

    -Elizejs- Junior Expert

    NO ROTH66 is right this week batles i have seen wrong counting...and my friend yesterday play 1+1 and he sed how he have win marshal standing and nothing doing and have count that round win for my friend. Also i have self seen wrong counting in 3+3.
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