I ask everyone who works for bigpoint to see this

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by semadark, May 11, 2024.

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Do you agree to change this arena, stop all sets, and lock the inverter.

  1. yes

  2. no

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. semadark

    semadark Forum Greenhorn


    Regarding pvp battles, all characters should be leveled. This is not normal BGH SET WORKS, DRAGAN DOESN'T WORK. They start fighting change amulets put shoulders INVERTER MUST BE LOCKED. IT'S NOT FAIR TO CHANGE EVERYTHING PERMANENTLY. Stop all sets, Inverter locked. We will fight like men, or change clothes like poo...... I will constantly write such topics and complain about how they play unfairly................... ..............
    Last edited by moderator: May 12, 2024
  2. dam18

    dam18 Junior Expert

    What i remeber so is only Base stat on gear's and PVP skills some work in PVP.
  3. ГорскиВени

    ГорскиВени Forum Greenhorn

    I agree with you! i hate and that's why i don't play the pvp battles! there is no balance, just a hero comes who has paid to lift his stones and you lose, at the time DSO told me when I wrote to them why did they remove Jesters? And they answered me that it was GAMBLING: Well, at the moment the game is PAY TO WIN rekt, isn't that GAMBLING?