I Can Kill Inf3 New Moon Boss For You

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Zigan, Apr 13, 2018.

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  1. animeislife98

    animeislife98 Forum Apprentice

    Very Kind
  2. jamakoo

    jamakoo Forum Apprentice

    i'd say offering t6 runs for 1 call is okay, but WHO in their right mind would call for 500? That's just too much. and maybe some desperate people would. And then they farm 5 hrs to get another 3 t6 kills. And the stronger get stronger and the weaker get leeched.
    Veηom and _Baragain_ like this.
  3. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Looool good luck with killing the new buffed spiders on inf3
  4. jamakoo

    jamakoo Forum Apprentice

    It was no problem for me with blue essences. With red i can even do 2 spiders in one buff.

    But how about they change it so entry to this map is for free and every time you call a spider you gotta spend 1 scroll? (including the 1st one) This way you can enter as a full group and be most efficient with spent scrolls per person.
  5. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    True last night we did inf3 on reds we were 3 seconds short of killing spider twice in 1 buff
    However when I made that reply there were people on ts complaining about how hard it is, welcome hotfix...
  6. jamakoo

    jamakoo Forum Apprentice

    Hm, i can't say i have the best stats but if i can do it i think people can't complain. It is inf3 afterall. But i don't recall how long it took me before the patch since i rarely did inf3 solo then. Has it been buffed THAT much?
  7. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    There was test server players <- (test server players are pretty strong)
    And they were complaining about how hard the bosses was, so anyways thats why there was a hotfix and they fixed circus too
    I was never strong enough to solo inf3 btw.
    Anyways you wanna try a tough boss go to mortis infernal 3 now while this patch is still live, I have never faced anything like it before
  8. jamakoo

    jamakoo Forum Apprentice

    Oh i heard about it, people were testing the eventbosses on the TS and complaining in the forum but on the live server it was weaker.
    Yep, done Mortis inf3, i'm not sure how much stronger he's gotten but it has been no problem regarding HP. My tank had some complaints i think, but i'm not sure if he meant the bugs in general or that Mortis is hitting harder.
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