i hardly find matchs

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by huss, Feb 7, 2014.

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  1. huss

    huss Forum Greenhorn

    i'm spellweaver lvl39 flag bearer i find that since i become lvl39 it takes so long time to have match either 1v1 or 3v3 or 5v5 or 6v6
    i play alone not in group
    really so long time to find match
    i want to know what is the problem?
  2. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    I think the system takes your win rate into account. When it s very high, it takes more time to find suitable opponents. So maybe you ll have to loose a tenfold times to get you winrate down and matches more often. Or become lvl 40 and start fighting 45 s :p
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