I need Clan (Spanish)

Discussion in 'Guild Search' started by engelhardt77, Oct 14, 2019.

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  1. engelhardt77

    engelhardt77 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, I am a Spanish archer of level 55 and I am looking for a clan with active people to make maps in infernal and events.
    My nickname is "engelhardt77".

    Last edited by moderator: Oct 14, 2019
  2. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello @engelhardt77, and welcome to the DSO forum :) .

    It would help your search if you mention the server you play on as well :) ! Also, please note that here you can find a section dedicated to Spanish speakers, but outside the international sections, all posts should be in English.

    Good luck finding a guild!

  3. JohnWick

    JohnWick Advanced

    I am in a clan, my name is Jøhnwick, I added you to friends, as soon as I see you connected I send you inv to the alliance.

    Out of curiosity, what damage do you have? for now (until my gun nerfeen in 224) I am in 62500 damage