I need Help with this payment bug

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by UnHolyBoner, May 16, 2018.

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  1. UnHolyBoner

    UnHolyBoner Guest

    Hello , guys my account payment system is very weird 1 month deluxe = 22 euros !!! and when i talked to support they said it's cuz ur country ( egypt ) weird , my brother account , was created with mine , same room , and his Deluxe is only 16 euros , they dont want to fix it just to steal money ? that's werid ASF this is best modern way for dso to steal money from us ? And i can provide Pictures :)
  2. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Hi @UnHolyBoner ( :rolleyes: perhaps you need a new forum name) and welcome to DSO English Forum.
    Only support officers can assist you with a payment issue.
    Since we cannot assist you here in the forum, I am closing the thread.

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