I need the advice from Experts

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by rayonaranja, Jan 7, 2014.

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  1. rayonaranja

    rayonaranja Padavan

    Hi guys, im gonna tell you my story.

    I have been looking for roshans for a long long time and i just got the boots, neither belt nor hands so i decided to look for a belt and i found this belt


    And suddenly, something that i was unable to believe happened... the roshan belt was dropped...

    Now, i dont know what shall i do.. my legendary belt or my roshan one?

    Pls need some help!
  2. Bearak

    Bearak Active Author

    I dont know what your stats but this belt is pretty good for me also if you upgrade it to level 47 will be + 10 damage at least.I think you are a mage if you have over 5k life and 2500+ armor i think this will suit you.Before posting something and you want advice post your stats so we can help you easier.
  3. Fre4kWarrior

    Fre4kWarrior Regular

    I'd wait until you find at least a second part of roshan ;) this belt is very good :D When you find a second or even the third i'd use roshan ;)
  4. marcush75m

    marcush75m Forum Apprentice

    use this till u get at least 2 roshan parts.
  5. rayonaranja

    rayonaranja Padavan

    Ok, my fault, sorry, i had other roshan too, but unlocked


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  6. sdknightno1

    sdknightno1 Advanced

    I recommend you change to full roshan. My reason is simple: your belt isn't that good and you don't have dark gloves or boots. Roshan set will optimize your current stats and trust me you will love it.
  7. rayonaranja

    rayonaranja Padavan

    Its really easy to say: you must have all roshans... i have been almost 5 months with just one roshan.. do you think i can get roshans when i want? haha dude i hope to find the roshan hands soon
  8. sdknightno1

    sdknightno1 Advanced

    No I don't have all roshans, I am missing roshan belt. It is easy for me to say because I know this game like the back of my hand and I am well aware of the quality of the roshan set. You wanted expert advice and you got expert advice. No need to be sour.
  9. Lordcl

    Lordcl Junior Expert

    where did you drop the roshan part? i need the boots
  10. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Roshan drops everywhere +- 5 of level range but I don't think it drops for level 35 monsters (just experience). Trust sdknightno1, any class with the full set is awesome.
  11. rayonaranja

    rayonaranja Padavan

    I got my 2 roshans at gorga
  12. freewayfrank

    freewayfrank Someday Author

    i would stick with roshans i do got me pretty far Good Luck ...welcome to community
  13. pewterbaugh

    pewterbaugh Forum Apprentice

    As a level 45 SW I will say that the set bonus is worth having. We are the damage class but inherently have low armor. Use the set bonus to survive a powerful hit and keep destroying. Use the Roshans and become the SW Drakensang always wanted you to be lol.

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