I think potion should be banned in battle

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -DeathRaider-, Aug 20, 2014.

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Should potions be banned in battle?

  1. Yes

    33 vote(s)
  2. No

    40 vote(s)
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  1. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    OK... maybe I am missing the point of all this discussion but if one person uses a potion, why can't their opponent? I don't PvP as I get squashed almost all the time and that is depressing (yeah, I'm a newbie). So tell me, does DS act differently in the arena when using a potion?

  2. Nyshen

    Nyshen Someday Author

    No. You just have some players who have taken advantage of the game in order to stack up their characters, nothing wrong with that, but they are still having problems beating others in he arena, so they want to ban anything that may help others because they want an even bigger advantage than they already have.

    They're free to use the same things, but it's not that they can use it or not, it's more important to make it so others can't. I mean that's what I'm going to believe until any of them can come up with a reasonable, logical, argument. I've asked for it a few times but they can't seem to do it.

    Let's not go lumping HP in with buffs and some of the essences. Two different things as far as I'm concerned. HP along with green and blue essences are readily available to anyone through farming. Buffs and purple and red essences are not. Now I'm not going to say yeah or nay on this, not the place for it, but I will say that with buffs and purple/red essence you at least have an argument. I point of view I can see. With HP and green/blue essences you have none, or at least have failed miserably in giving one.
    goe-spec and trakilaki like this.
  3. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    I would say ban potions from 1v1 and 3v3 these two are the most affected and create potions and buffs heaven in 5v5 and 6v6 :p Surprise is that not those who need potions always using them form my observation is more those who wanna win at any cost with their super op chars ,never mind ...
    Never use any of those but i could ,made choice if i can't win by my skills and eq so what is the point for me to enter arena at all ....I personally don't like players who use potions and buffs ,green ess seems to be standard now , for me this always was and always will be cheating and excuses like "i did co he did " or " this part of the game " well maybe it is ,I believe by mistake .
    hope that in some time when pvp will be more balanced those supportive stuff will be banned .
    good day to all;)
    -HARRA81- and stasis like this.
  4. Nyshen

    Nyshen Someday Author

    I understand that's how you feel but I don't understand how using ....let's say blue essence....is any different than you going into a fight with orange equipment vs someone else who only has green equipment. You obviously have a clear advantage over the other person. How much of your win is due to your skill and how much just because you had superior equipment? HP, essences, this is just equipment, same as your sword and shield.

    Now I joked in this thread about how everyone should go in the arena naked. But if you really think that it should be about skill alone, then maybe that's what they should do. Because the second you step in there with anything that's better than your opponent equipmentwise then it'll never be completely about your skill.
    vixmax and Bearer-of-Death like this.
  5. Warmaster666

    Warmaster666 Forum Apprentice

    What are you guys talking about? In the arena, potions are only marginally useful if the opponents are evenly matched, and even then, they can both use potions, so they are equal in this regard. What breaks the balance in PvP are other more significant things (like twinks and shoppers; and those buffs and essences bought with ander). But whatever. I haven't played DSO in a long time, so I don't really care :D
  6. .krom70.

    .krom70. Active Author

    lol..youll need the potions and more...a few dudes i know buy many glygh packs..at level 20 you think they are..not ..the gear is at level 40 and stuff ...keep the potions..!
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  7. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    Well guys reason of my statement is very simple i have lost dozens of battles in last sec coz of potions u can say what u like i do respect this ...
    since elo matching centurions against marszals I have got your point of view but i still say that potions should be banned from 1v1 and 3v3 those critical sec decide whatever u gonna win or not and when your opponents use potion u're done in my case :cool:
    This game has been wildly abused by boters ,pvp pushers , no limit for upgrading items etc
    BP has created this situation not players but we know what is behind ....
  8. mr.trouble..

    mr.trouble.. Forum Greenhorn

    the problem whit hp is when war go use it to win the macht because they have more hp so they wait until time is running out that why i would like to ban it so if u have got a war almost down hp he cant use l.p and let time work for him
  9. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    This only works for dragon knights if they have 40 talent. When you burn over time when the time runs out, it goes by your hp I think it's 2%


    I'm sorry you don't understand any of my points but I have people use potions on me consistently, people are called noob repeatedly because of this. I don't like using potions because it takes away honor( I'm not talking about honor points).
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 23, 2014
    moby31 likes this.
  10. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    I agree :)
    -DeathRaider- likes this.
  11. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    Ya I wish I can change the question 1vs1 and 3vs3 should have potions banned. But 5vs5 it doesn't matter as much 'badaxx'
  12. Nyshen

    Nyshen Someday Author

    So what if they do? You can too. Or is it because if you do you'll be called that nasty four letter word......Noob. Oooooo, what a horrible thing that would be. :rolleyes:

    Again the hypocrisy of your argument is astounding. It's honorable for a supposed lvl 13 parasite whose toon is stacked up to the sky with legendary gear and gems up the wazoo to kick the crud out of an actual lvl 13 toon wearing nothing but green and blue and maybe a couple of simple gems here or there? But if that green wearing lvl 13 should drink a potion, which your stacked player could do also at any time.....oh my god, we should shun his little dishonorable EDIT and call him names?

    I don't understand your points because they don't have anything in the way of reason or logic behind them. Your points seem based on your own personal feelings of what is and is not honorable, which is way out of whack BTW, and your caring too much about what others may think of you if you did use them yourself.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 23, 2014
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  13. -DeathsRevenge-

    -DeathsRevenge- Advanced

    Lool Nyshen. You expect others to be logical in why they say as they do and such?
    You even play DSO? :D Guess you at least argued a lot with the DSO devs over their "logical ways" of changing things etc haha. Like Mortis 45, dropping 40 items = Very logical right? :D Anyways..

    Now see the thing is: Players who takes potions are only making the fight longer and maybe even ONLY winning because of that. If the others do not take potions.
    Short version: Potions are for the weaklings or let's just say those who can't face to lose. Tank Mortis with them or such. ;)
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
  14. Nyshen

    Nyshen Someday Author

    Well by that line of reasoning then only weaklings use buffs. Only weaklings use essences. Only weaklings use legendary equipment. Only weaklings lvl their equipment past their own character lvl. Only low lvl weaklings farm in areas well past their character lvl with high lvl players in a group. Only weaklings use gems. Heck, only weaklings use armor at all. Only weaklings use weapons....what afraid of skin on skin? Only weak.....hold it what's the point of this game again?

    So again another fails at any semblance of a logical argument and this one thinks calling others weaklings will somehow make him right. Pathetic. Sounds to me it's those who want to ban it in the arena are the ones who can't face to lose. Hence the push to get them banned. Hp is a tool, just like your wand/bow/sword/gun. Not anyone's fault but your own that you don't use it, don't know when to use it, how to use it properly, or have problems beating those in the arena who do. :p
    Serenthía and Bearer-of-Death like this.
  15. -DeathsRevenge-

    -DeathsRevenge- Advanced

    Lool. :D There is no excuse there. Weaklings who can't face to lose, so they instead use all they have to boost or help themselves, just because they want to win. :D
    + Fights would take longer.
  16. Nyshen

    Nyshen Someday Author

    Hold on a sec. Are you actually saying that using green equipment over gray isn't trying to boost yourself to win? That using glyphs to raise equipment lvls isn't boosting yourself to win? That using gems isn't boosting yourself to win? It's all the same thing and pretty much what the whole game is about. Jeeez, is everyone on that side of the argument that blind and/or that hypocritical?

    Well, since the other side can't actually present a case, and until they get someone who can without being blind, hypocritical, or trying to resort to ridicule I'm outta here.

    Have fun fellas.
    Serenthía and vixmax like this.
  17. Silentmist

    Silentmist Junior Expert

    They won't get what you mean, if it's something that they don't use it must be unfair. But i don't get why it's so hard to apply the same logic to glyphs, gems etc. Can someone explain?
    vixmax likes this.
  18. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    They want to win? You don't? You are entering the arena just for a relaxing walk after a hard day? :D :D
    Then why you are playing your twink?
    You know what ... get your twink to level 45 ... met me at the arena ... he will learn what weakling he is ... and then he will discover how precious the HP is. :D

    By your logic HP should be deleted from the game. Why?
    For an example I don't need HP for PVE ... healing orbs are dropping from mobs and I got the tree to heal me. Then why should I need these? [​IMG]
    What to do with those ... ditch them away? Why? It is a drop ... and the drop in this game is not so generous. If I don't get even pots from drop then I would get nothing.
    No items no andermants ... nothing.
    Should I sell them? Why? I don't need few more gold coins ... I already have enough [​IMG]

    Maybe BP should remove any GoP before level 45 and limit the gems by the players level. Then you won't be screaming around so loud about the pots ... and I am 100% sure of it. :D

    I say again ... if something is to be banned ... then ban everything ... pots, essences buffs. :)
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  19. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

  20. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    i know the lvl 13 stats and his legendaries are only like lvl 14-17 gems are not even close to maxed out. your assumption are a bunch of EDIT
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