idea: Attack mounts - temporary random in world like "golden axe"

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by bigfoot_pi, Feb 14, 2014.

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  1. bigfoot_pi

    bigfoot_pi Someday Author

    So I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I think this game would be really great with the addition of temporary attack mounts- temporary randomly placed "sleeping" or "caught in the brush/tied to tree" mounts around the world like "golden axe" that you can set free/mount, then ride on and attack with, like in Golden Axe. the reason I suggest it be temporary and randomly around the world is so any one can use them so its fair, and limited time (or limited to a certain amount of damage taken by the mount- like golden axe) so its not exploited indefinitely. (attacks like: fireballs/trampling/ice breath/vile vomit/magic projectiles, stunning roar, etc)

    ps- I realize in golden axe you normally find enemies riding them and take them from enemies, but I can't see bigpoint making new enemies on attack mounts that you can take (unless its uniquely only a feature to special level 46-50 area in the future - which would be fine by me as well- give players somethign really cool to level up for- reaching a land of attack mounts)
    Kaus likes this.
  2. Kaus

    Kaus Forum Greenhorn

    I totally agree with you :) + the mount could get armors after a quest with no values to which one can add gems only.And the existing mounts could get the temporary powers :)
  3. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    No way... You got to be kidding me.
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