IDEAS | How to build your Ranger

Discussion in 'Rangers' started by Hetsunien, Feb 11, 2019.

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  1. Hetsunien

    Hetsunien Padavan

    ¡Hello, everyone! This thread is mainly aimed for new Rangers who come to this game without having any clue how to equip their characters. With this in mind, runes such as the Solstice Star or Concentrated Solstice Crystal will not be taken into account, except for those runes that can be purchased directly from the Gnob or Zumpe store.

    How should my items look like?

    Before starting with these tips, I would like to emphasize the importance of reaching level 55 before you even begin to seriously build your character. Each single item that you get, regardless of which one you choose, should look like this (being the golden values the most important ones):

    Cape & Belt
    Base Values
    + Damage
    + Health Points
    All Resistance Values (or the highest possible)

    5x Diamond

    Enchantments (Belt)
    4x *.*** % increased damage

    5x Rune of Resilience

    Base Values
    + Damage
    Critical Hit Rate | Health Points (or the highest possible)
    + Health Points | All Resistance Values (or the highest possible)

    5x Amethyst

    4x *.*** % critical damage

    5x Rune of Vitality

    Weapon Adornment

    Base Values
    + Damage
    + Critical Hit Rate (or the highest possible)


    5x Onyx

    4x *.*** % increased critical hit rate on this item

    5x Rune of Celerity

    Double Handed Weapon
    Base Values
    Min. Damage | Max. Damage (or the highest possible)
    x.xx Attacks per second

    5x Ruby


    4x *.*** % increased damage on this item


    5x Rune of Celerity
    4x Rune of Celerity 1x Rune of Devastation

    Base Values
    + Damage
    + Health Points
    Armor Value (or the highest possible)

    5x Cyanite

    4x *.*** % increased damage

    5x Rune of Fortitude

    Gloves & Boots
    Base Values
    + Damage
    + Health Points (or the highest possible)
    + Armor Value

    5x Amethyst

    4x *.*** % faster attack speed (Gloves)
    *.*** % faster movement speed (Boots)

    5x Rune of Relentlessness or 5x Rune of Vitality (Gloves)
    5x Rune of Acceletarion or 5x Rune of Vitality (Boots)

    What equipment should wear?

    1. The most common build.

    The Herald's Infernal Wrath (2/2)
    - Weapon
    - Gloves

    Dragan's Rageful Armor (3/4)
    - Helmet
    - Boots
    - Ring

    Calamity of the Twin Queens (2/8)
    - Cloak
    - Weapon Adornment

    Witch Seeker Gear (3/4)
    - Pauldrons
    - Torso
    - Belt

    Loose Items (2)
    - Amulet of the Kraken (Amulet)
    - Mortis' Ring of Death (Ring)

    • Highest damage output in game.
    • Fastest Boss farming.
    • High armor value.
    • Draken core crafting required for 7 of 12 items.
    • (Maybe) Vulnerable while spamming Explosive Arrows or when you miss the net.

    2. The underestimated build.

    Bearach's Untamed Might (2/2)
    - Weapon
    - Belt

    Dragan's Rageful Armor (4/4)
    - Helmet
    - Gloves
    - Boots
    - Ring

    Lehaine's Lost Legacy (3/8)
    - Amulet
    - Weapon Adornment
    - Ring

    Loose Items (3)
    - Cloak of Heroes (Cloak)
    - Khalys' Dark Scheme (Pauldrons)
    - Cuchulain's Battle Armor (Armor)

    • Low concentration costs for all abilities.
    • (Maybe) Premium needed for 3 of 12 items.

    2. The never used build.

    The Herald's Infernal Wrath (2/2)
    - Weapon
    - Gloves

    Khalys' Dark Betrayal (2/2)
    - Helmet
    - Pauldrons

    Sigrismarr's Eternal Scorn (2/2)
    - Torso
    - Weapon Adornment

    M'Edusa's Persistent Vengeance (2/2)
    - Amulet
    - Boots

    Loose Items (4)
    - Cloak of Heroes (Cloak)
    - Bearach's Instinct (Belt)

    - Mortis' Ring of Death (Ring)
    - Any other Elemental Ring

    • Cores for crafting always available (No Draken Cores needed at all).
    • 4 cool Parallel World Set Bonusses to spam all over Dracania.
    • Lowest damage output, due to the lack of Dragan's Set.
    • 2 Set Bonusses are bugged (M'Edusa, Sigrismarr) and 1 is practically useless (Khalys).

    4. The build that is on my dreams :p - JOKE SET, don't even consider it.

    Runes of the Regained Health (4/4)
    - Weapon
    - Amulet
    - Belt
    - Ring

    Dragan's Rageful Armor (3/4)
    - Gloves
    - Boots
    - Ring

    Calamity of the Twin Queens (2/8)
    - Cloak
    - Weapon Adornment

    Witch Seeker Gear (3/4)
    - Helmet
    - Pauldrons
    - Torso

    • Health potions are not needed :p.
    • Draken core crafting required for all items.
    • It is only on my dreams lol.
    Selene-Rip, gbit, Balou37 and 2 others like this.
  2. ROOK

    ROOK Someday Author

    Good tips!

    I would add:
    Helmet = 4x *.*** % increased critical hit
    (when crit hit value will grow up you can switch to: 3crit+1dmg, 2+2, 1+3 and finally 4xdmg)

    Imho regarding the builds, unfortunately, only the first (most common build) is usefull, with an alternative on the cape:
    low crit value -> must use Karabossa cape, high crit value -> can use Heroes cape

    Aracna for critical hit.
    After you can use a dmg% pet or a speed% pet to get the right break point
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
    Hetsunien likes this.
  3. deliburan78

    deliburan78 Advanced

    Good , but everyone player first run q1 , ...q4!, 5, 6, and q7 is final build , not starter build.
    Why most players use Cape of heroes? Cape of heroes is too final build , when you have enough crit rate - adornment with 120%+ crit rate craft + 5 royal magic improved onyxes + gold base crit for rings x2 & adornment , all of them t8, + upgraded arahna pet.
    Then you don`t need crit rate helmet & white spider cape.
  4. Soinam

    Soinam Forum Greenhorn

    Very good guide but what about necklass enchantments?
  5. KingsGambit

    KingsGambit Forum Expert

    You get 80% crit on Inf III with only adorment t.8 ~120%, Arachna, 2x t.7 crit based rings and 5x saint onyxes. That isn't too excessive.
    Crit on helmet is terrible if you have Arachna.
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Many things have changed since February 11 2019
  7. Soinam

    Soinam Forum Greenhorn

    Following the 1st build what must be the enchantments for helmet and necklass?
  8. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    That build is outdated and it's no longer the meta build.

    Current top high-end build (after R228, so the update that is on the TS, since it involves an item that is not yet in game) is:
    Helmet: Dragan, 4/4 %dmg
    Pauldrons: Witch Seeker, uncrafted, highest %dmg you can get
    Torso: Witch Seeker OR Sigrismar, 4/4 %dmg
    Gloves: Q7, 4/4 %attack speed
    Boots: Dragan, 4/4 %running speed
    Amulet: Dragan (item in the upcoming event, no set but 12% dmg in unique value), 4/4 %crit dmg
    Cloak: Cloak of Heroes (if you can get it) OR Adamant magma (aka Herald cloak)
    Belt: Witch Seeker (if you can get it) OR Belt of Zeal (harder to play, goes well with Sigrismar torso), 4/4 %dmg
    Ring1: Dragan, 4/4 %crit dmg
    Ring2: Mortis, 4/4 %crit dmg OR uncrafted (if you have enough crit dmg already); OR Q4 (real high-end, only if you have crit maxed out already) OR Lehaine's ring, 4/4 %crit dmg OR some mix with life on this item (if you have enough crit dmg)
    Adornment: Magotina's, 4/4 %crit rate on this item
    Weapon: Q7, 4/4 %damage on this item

    Reasons for the changes? Amulet is obvious, and cloak too if you think about it. With full royals and a good platinum craft you can max out crit from your adornment alone, and with the help of rings it shouldn't be that hard. Herald's cloak will also boost your crit anyways, so you don't need the set bonus from the New Moon cloak.

    Also, please note that that's the meta high-end build, and it might not be that good with lack of some of the crafts or with gems not maxed out yet. Please note too that as long as you keep the Q7 and dragan you're close enough to the meta for the build to be very strong. Please also note that the 1h is slowly becoming more viable and with a content expansion looming, it might be the new meta. Also, please note that some 1h builds that involve maxed gems and runes and some other things that not everyone has, and that are only for those who can and want to farm a lot beforehand (so you probably need a different build before anyways) will surpass the "meta" builds, but are not labelled meta exactly due to them not being redily available.

    • Luck to have dropped at least one gwenfara's jewel on top of the two from progress, otherwise that's waiting till the next October/November (3x gwenfara's jewel required).
    • At least 5x Mighty (total of 15%) concentration cost runes.
    • Preferably, a Jewel of Rage (not obligatory).
    • Preferably, at least 3 Solstice Stars (sorry can't get used to the new name)
    • Large speed runes (to compensate for full-dmg gloves).
    • Preferably, at least 5x Jewels of Coalescence featuring at least dmg (and preferably HP in addition to it).
    • Lots of drakens or lots of luck to look for a Sargon's bow with golden base value.
    • Lots of draken cores to raise the tier of it afterwards.
    • Preferably, a Jewel of Amplified Healing.
    • Good crit dmg and HP runes. Preferably at least 5x Mighty crit dmg and at least 10x Mighty HP.'
    If you have at least most of the things listed above + a decent build to begin farming with, you can go for the OP 1h build that will approach the damage of the meta builds (Q7+dragan) while maintaining very good defence and allowing for constant spam of the strongest skills... but I'm not giving you the exact items because 1. you probably don't need it anyways, 2. it's a secret and 3. things are changing constantly and afaik only Trak is doing this succesfully so far (I don't know what he's got exactly, but I've done the math and there are clearly a few good possibilities) - maybe I'll realise what I have in mind in the feature... maybe after the expansion when everyone will probably have to rebuild anyways... maybe even on my mage. We'll see.
    G3dd, Soinam and navelko like this.
  9. Soinam

    Soinam Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you for the help ill follow it

    --- MERGED ---

    But where can i find the cloak of heroes, because i hit 55 almost a week ago as a reroll from tank, and i heard that that cloak is no longer obtainable
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 10, 2020
  10. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    It is a random outcome when crafting a Cloak of Strength or Cloak of Guard, you can get it instead of a regular cloak.
    navelko likes this.
  11. Rafa_Official

    Rafa_Official Forum Apprentice

    I was browsing through the forum and i i ca across this.. I've reached level 55 with ranger but I'm basically a noob with only 1500 base damage.. my wisdom level is a shy 21 cuz i've started playing 3 weeks ago and have no mentor character. I'm having difficulties playing in painful XD. How can i improve ?
  12. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Some events provide runes as part of the rewards, even the monthly New and Full Moon events, so try to get to those points in the progress bars.

    If you meant you can't handle Painful in the Parallel Worlds, farm scaling real world dungeons on Painful instead. The mobs and sentinels (mini-bosses) are easier than PW foes, but drop as good if not better loot (with the exception that you can only get the good Unique items from PW … but the drop rates are so abysmal, don't worry about PW at all for now).

    Many players will tell you to farm the Great Desert, but at your strength, I still recommend the Slifmoor region. You can run the repeatable crafting quest that takes you to Prison of Souls, but don't completely dismiss the other dungeons in that region. Gather ingredients to make healing potions and other consumables (I tend to focus on defensive items, and especially the Tonics, as they last 2 hours and have fixed values which could boost your health, block rate, etc. handsomely).

    I mainly play Steam Mechanic now, but have tried Rangers several times. I used to be a sniper only when playing RA, but now love using Blade Dance, Deadly Blow and the explosive capability of Thicket of Thorns. If you're using a quiver to get higher damage, reconsider switching to a shield for some protection as you slice through the mobs at a reduced damage rate.

    Experiment with combinations: "Tank"-mode RA skills (Blade Dance, etc.) with a Shield and an HP Tonic, or "Sniper" skills (Hunting Arrow, Precision Shot, Explosive Arrow) with a Quiver and a Block Rate Tonic.

    Now, Tonics do require additional farming: You have to get Golden Sickles from Bosses on Painful … see if you can manage Asar. He's easy to get to off of the Great Desert, isn't super strong, drops ok loot, is repeatable. You'll also need to farm keys from Sentinels on Painful or higher (here's where farming the Great Desert can pay off, as the beetle sentinel in the upper middle of the map respawns every few minutes, so you can continually run around the "dungeon" killing mobs and champions [who have ok drops of gems and junk to sell / melt], then smash that sentinel to grab keys to later use to farm ingredients and gems and gear from Asar).

    Don't worry about crafting, yet. It's expensive and frustrating as heck. Instead, sell all green and blue gear that drops, melt all purple items, and probably melt the orange legendary items as well. You want to build up those glyphs so you can level up your equipment … glyphs are resuable, and you'll need millions and millions of them eventually, so start farming them right away. I started off by leveling up miscellaneous items, not my weapon, as the weapon takes proportionally more glyphs at each level than other items. But eventually, I reclaimed glyphs from 6 or 8 other gear and boosted my weapon all the way to 60. I was a bit wobbly at first having given up a lot of defensive stats, but the increased firepower quickly bore fruit, as I was able to farm everything, including glyphs, faster, so have been more rapidly leveling up other items.

    My main Steam Mechanic is now finally semi-farming the Great Desert at Infernal 2. I don't run the entire map, but concentrate on the upper left corner, popping in and out of that door to kill the two semi-champions and usually one other random champion in that corner, then retreat to clean my inventory and pop back out again to whack another fresh set opponents. At Infernal 2, the drops are mostly purple ("extraordinary") items, and are priced higher, so you can sell for gold or melt for glyphs. Also, at that level you'll start to see more "platinum" (highest value) enchantment lines on the dropped exo equipment. If you have the patience and resources, you can start crafting, combining two exo's with platinum lines into a legendary with 2 platinum lines; repeat for a second 2-plat leg item, and combine those two to increase the final leg plat count.

    I took the old school route at first: Used two Magic items each with a "gold" line enchantment plus two junk blues to try to create a 2-gold line exo and built up from there. That got me to the point that I have 4-gold line legendaries in several slots, which gave me enough power to farm slightly higher difficulties. But that's a very expensive route; I spent all of my gold a year ago, and now have to farm items, glyphs, gold constantly, just to try a few failed crafts a day.

    Oh, and spend "money" on storage!!!! Use the 3-row 10,800 andermant package to open up your backpack quickly, mixing in 2,000 andermant purchases of single rows of your in-city locker space now and then. I put "money" in quotes as you can build up the andermant in other ways: Start 3 other characters on your account; if nothing else, just log each of them in every day to get the 50 andermant per toon bonus.

    If you wind up with any 3- or 7-day trial premium or deluxe passes, try to horde them rather than use them right away. A couple times a year there will be Premium days which allow users to buy certain items at a discount from the Premium vendor (Emelia, I think?). Use a pass then, and buy offensive gems (rubies preferably over onyxes).

    I've never had luck with Guilds, but if you find one that's accommodating, other guild members might help you farm the harder difficulties sooner.

    You were probably hoping for more specifically Ranger-oriented advice. Sorry :).

    Good luck, and have fun.
  13. Rafa_Official

    Rafa_Official Forum Apprentice

    First of all i want to thank you for your reply, i hope you can endure my ignorance for some more questions.

    Well i meant i can't handle painful even in real world, i can handle mobs with some trouble but champions and senetials takes a LOT of time and dodging. And PW i can't even think about doing it so as you can see I'm still at the start of the way. Right now i just do Ashar on normal to get the 1000 yarns for the quest.

    I can try to do that, but how is doing this repeatedly going to help my character get stronger ? As far as i know there are 2 ways to get stronger: Farming wisdom and crafting items. I guess my 23 level wisdom is part of the problem so I've to work on that. And crafting requires a lot of gold(can't afford Ander, extremely f2p and can't pay a dime) and ingredients ( items with gold lines don't usually drop on normal or painful and those are the only difficulties i can do, i can try to find groups for higher difficulties but it's still a long way to go and I think i need some guidelines, i've read _Baragain_'s crafting 2.0.3 guide but it just makes me want to quit before i get myself into this torture ).

    So first you told me to not think about crafting for the time being, and when you tell me to start crafting your advice is to start crafting Platinum lines right away, I do get it would save me a lot of time and gold but how would i be strong enough to farm infernals if i don't have gold lines crafted items ? I hear about this overpowered q7 set from PW but will the base stats be enough without gold enchantments?

    How can i get one of those :D ?

    I guess my luck isn't better than yours :/

    Not at all, your advices are of the exact kind i was looking for, not a class specified advices but how would you progress in general since this is my first time playing this game almost a decade after its release XD. So thank you very much and hope you can help me even more.
  14. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Yes, farm wisdom … those trees will give you options to improve both your offensive and defensive stats. But, you can't directly farm wisdom; it's just one of several drops that you might get randomly from any mob.

    That's why I'm suggesting that you should try farming the Slifmoor dungeons (yes, on Painful), as you'll be getting gear (at this point mainly to sell for gold or melt for glyphs … there are several recommendations on how to decide to sell or melt an item, but I generally sell all green (improve) and blue (magic) gear, sell purple (extraordinary) gear if the price is 3 gold or higher, sell golden (legendary) gear if it's worth 9 gold or more, and melt other purple & golden gear any all yellow (unique) items … unless you get lucky and the dropped gear is better than you're already wearing)), coins, healing (and resource) potions, essences (mainly white [25% increase to your base damage], some green [50% increase to base damage]), andermant, gems and wisdom.

    Yes, you'll also drop chest keys, but BP devalued chest drops a while back, so most people are simply hording them hoping that BP will revise the content of chests in the future.

    And you'll get spirit stones which you can use to revive party members if you're fighting in a group. I pretty much always play solo, so I just let them accumulate in my main toon.

    Horde coins you collect from drops and from selling dropped gear. Don't buy anything from the shops. You'll need every copper later for crafting.

    So, big question: How will you improve?

    1. Wisdom -- I would recommend concentrating on the Attack section first … maybe split points between Rising Power (damage %) and Hangman's Pride (heals you when you kill monsters). I initially chose the One-handed Weapon section, increasing Dextrous Smiting (1-handed weapon damage), but actually got a much higher overall damage increase from that Rising Power option instead

      Also consider the Peddler option in the Prosperity section, as that allows you to sell gear on the fly while you're still in a dungeon.

    2. Glyphs -- level up your gear … try to be patient and level up the bow first for more damage unless your defensive stats are really pathetic, then level up the item that is the best by % of base values

    3. Gems -- again, these will fall randomly as you kill mobs, of course more frequently from champions, sentinels and bosses, so you may decide to run past most normal mobs. If you're not already there, yet, you'll soon be at a point that your gems are high enough level that it takes a long time to craft the next level gem to see only limited character strength progress, but it eventually adds up

    4. Runes -- as noted above, you'll get runes from events, not typically battle drops. You can drop Ancient Wisdom drop stack size boosting runes from sentinel chests (Scaling Natural Dungeon quasi-bosses), but those are rare and don't really have a major impact on your wisdom drop until you've played thousands of SNDs, and by then you're probably near maximum wisdom anyway

    5. Drops -- sometimes you get lucky and drop an item with better base stats and/or enchantments than you're already wearing. You can also try to farm natural world unique sets for their set bonuses, but those are super special (on my newest alt-toon, a level 44 Ranger, I have 5 pieces of the Tempered Myrdosch set; that gives me 5% faster movement speed, *10% resistance, +15% armor, and +15% damage, plus a small individual item bonuses … you might have picked up some of the Tayaz or Desert set pieces in passing … maybe farm for the Desert set?)

    6. Future --
      1. Bow of Destruction from the Myrdosch area has a decent mixture between speed, damage and concentration reduction, while allowing you to carry a shield or quiver … when you start to get strong enough to manage SND Painful, consider farming for that bow … I really don't have a modern end-game Ranger, so my specific advice here is suspect … yes, most people say you need the two-handed Herald bow from PW Q7, but good luck dropping that any time soon :)
      2. next time the Dragan event rolls around, try to farm at least three of the Bellicose set …good damage bonuses and special features
      3. maybe farm the monthly moon events for their uniques, too … again, I only have experience with the Full Moon event, and recently only with my Steam Mechanic … I still use 3 of 4 items from the Blood Rune set, including the 2-handed weapon … perhaps you'll find the 2-handed bow from Full Moon adequate for now (I never got on board with 2-handed bows)?
      4. Crafting -- I wasn't very clear … you have two options: start crafting right away with gold statistics, knowing that you may not get very far and burn up all your money before you craft anything usable, or use the growth strategies above to get strong enough to at least slow-farm on Infernal 2 in SNDs which is where you're more likely to get platinum line drops and start crafting those. Longer wait, better results if you go with platinum. Oh, and a third crafting option: Combine 4 exo items, with at least one being a different type (e.g., 3 belts + 1 helmet) in the hopes of getting an extraordinary with random (probably a belt, but could be a helmet in my example) good gold / platinum lines, then craft those together. In my experience, random crafting produces garbage, but other players with more crafting years than I have swear by it.
    I still think you should try Rootrock Cavern and Prison of Souls on Painful. Be patient, don't expect to race through either dungeon, but you'll start to build up glyphs, wisdom, gems and consumable crafting ingredients. Craft your first Tonic of Vitality and see how much more HP you have for those two hours. You'll need Golden Sickles as a part of that craft, so give Painful at Asar a go … I'm not certain, but I think any natural world boss on painful can drop Golden Sickles … maybe Medusa would be worth farming instead?
  15. pikcaro

    pikcaro Forum Greenhorn

    Welcome and greet to you .
    My question is this: From the contaminated sewers in Kinshil, it was possible to get a poison finder kit for the forest guardian archer. I have 5 parts of the set, 1 part is missing but I can't read the description of bonn 5 and 6. He cuts my screen, I don't know what he writes there and what are those bonyy? Where can I read about it. Thank you for the info. I greet your health. Czaga: P :)
  16. Rafa_Official

    Rafa_Official Forum Apprentice

    I agree with you, long wait = better results and lower costs. But can you really do inf 2 without crafted gear ? Have you done it before or know a person who have ? Don't get me wrong i'm not rushing into crafting and i hope i can do inf but i just don't think it's possible with neither high wisdom level nor crafted gear.
    Also what do you mean by SNDs ?
  17. KingsGambit

    KingsGambit Forum Expert

    Yes you can even with ranger which is worst class before Q7 set. Inf III as well. At least at SND which states for "scaling normal dungeons" so maps from regional world. Take note that not every SND has same difficulty level in terms of mob strenght. Great desert is the weakest for example, Stalgard is spicy. You may go both at inf II but in comparison to avg. dungeons GD will look like inf I and Stalgard like inf III.
    I have done it with ranger before without single enchantment transfer though I admit had decent wisdom level through mentor. However I also didn't use any items above painful difficulty at start. With ranger you need some extra prep maybe but fully manageable.
  18. TDHunt3r

    TDHunt3r Forum Greenhorn


    I dont really know where to put it so I'm simply going to ask here. Could somebody tell me if there is another speedbreakpoint after 2.67, which allows me to shoot another Explosive Arrow during a Q7 buff? So 8 instead of 7?

    Also, I paused the game for a while and came back to find that a lot of new cloaks got introduced. Im currently wearing the old Khalys cloak (I believe its called Cloak of Heroes?). Did they introduce a new, better one or is mine still fine?

    Thanks in advance :)