Important Message to Bigpoint

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by sdknightno1, Jan 25, 2014.

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  1. sdknightno1

    sdknightno1 Advanced

    What is the secret to a successful business? Find the answer in the video below.

    I promise, it will be worth your time to watch this:

    I hope after watching it you will reconsider your current business model: the one that aims to suck every penny out of your customers.

    Just take a look at World of Warcraft or League of Legends. Do they model their games after greed? No, they model their games after excellent gaming experience and service to their customers. The money will just follow after that.

    Also, trade will definitely need to be implemented in DSO for the player base to grow in the future because:
    1. what's an mmorpg without trading? (unless you want DSO to stay below the mmorpg status)
    2. instead of being afraid and worrying about all the bad that will come with trading, why don't you just man up and sit down to think about ways you can overcome these problems and make trading work?

    All the F2Ps should support a trading system because it is the only way to shorten the gap between F2P and P2P.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 27, 2014
    psycho, trpajzl and paprika like this.
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    That video is all about deception. Deceive the people so you can make bigger profit. So that is what exactly BP is doing.
    1. Wright brothers to be first that invented successful airplane. Not a chance. Many thousands years ago there were even more sophisticated aircrafts. It is written even in the Egyptian hieroglyphs.
    2. Apple's devices. Yes they were selling lot of devices but not anymore. Even back then they have made big profit out of deception. Why would I buy mac for 1200 euros when I can build myself PC that is at least 3+ times better for 300 euros. It is all deception again, their target is people who don't understand or don't want to understand what they are buying, but they can afford it.

    That video is just a load of crap and outdated as well.
    So you truly believed that crap and think you can persuade us to to accept trading system. :D:D
    And even claiming that all f2p should support trading system because it shorten the gap between f2p and p2p. No way that gap will be even greater.
  3. sdknightno1

    sdknightno1 Advanced

    How will the gap be greater?
    As long as the trading system is not abused, it will allow the exchange of goods between F2P and P2P and therefore possibly allowing F2P to gain access to some goods that are normally accessible to P2P.

    ie. If a F2P finds a predator and he already has one, he could possibly choose to sell it to a P2P player for andermants insteading melting it.
  4. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Then the Chinese ander-farmers move in with 10,000 12 year old schoolkids farming 500 predators per day, sell those for top ander on the auction, then sell that ander back to the p2p players for slightly lower prices than BP sells ander. The people who benefit most from trade systems in games are always the big-time farming conglomerates.

    If you know the "magic bullet" for preventing this from happening, then by all means share it. I've played many of the best MMOs over the last two decades and every one of them that had a trade system like you suggest had large farming factions that would sell in-game currency on a black-market basis.

    Every game that came before or after DSO has tried to do this, with little to no success. No game wants the farming syndicates undercutting their prices on their own game currency! That's bad for business, naturally. If there was a way to have a fair trade system without losing to the Chinese and Korean syndicates (full-time farming operations), I think some game would have figured it out by now. They haven't. I've seen the evidence over and over again.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
    paprika, MikeyMetro and multitoonz like this.
  5. skillarea1

    skillarea1 Active Author

    game trading is like make the game being collapse
    i have played MMO with trading, its like bomb time , its will destroy the game its self
    thats because i like drakensang, have no trading system
    so much negative effect than positive with trading system, it will be much more hacker, thief account, fraud , ect
    Multi-Sev likes this.
  6. paprika

    paprika Forum Apprentice

    sry man, the video was not about trading.

    the video was about having a "WHY" idea. WHY should I play Drakensang, there are tons of other free online games in the world...

    Yes, we can say that BP has 200.000.000 registered players etc etc etc but WHY should I play it ?

    Because service is bad ? Because they never listen to players and their wishes ? Because they don't communicate they failed in every new patch and make game worse and worse every week, every month, every year ?

    NO, no and 1000 more times NO. Drakensang is a bad game. Nobody believes, that BP want give us something extraordinary . I believe that BP wants to make a good busienes with us but I don't believe them anything except it.

    And this is very bad.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2014
    trpajzl likes this.
  7. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    Then leave the game. Do not play it anymore.
    Many of us enjoy the game even with the frustration at times, the lack of communication from the dev side, the horrible patches but we plod on. With NO trade and still we play. We advance our toons, both F2P and P2P and many of us have fun here. We have friends in game and this makes DSO more than a game, it gives us a communication outlet too.
    Go play a "better" mmorpg then. We complain here about stuff, some leave, some vent and go back to game. You can leave now.
    We are all well aware of the dynamics of this game from the corporate side. It wants to make money as ALL mmorpg's do. But the difference is, BP makes the money and not some trade exploiting group of players who do nothing but manipulate and cash in on what would be another corrupted trade system.
    Please stop playing DSO, for YOUR sake. Do not let this game make you crazy. You either accept it for what it is and make the best of it or you spam forums demanding attention because YOUR pov needs to be recognized as the only truth.
    On that note, while I do defend DSO at times, other times I have been hostile towards them due to game changes that seemed to make it worse. But we all adapt, those of us who stay and here we are.
    You have yourself a wonderful day. Don't let frustration over one gaming company make your day worse.
  8. trpajzl

    trpajzl Someday Author

    Pathetic ...

    well i stopped paying this game as well because :

    ".. service is bad .. they never listen to players and their wishes .. they don't communicate ... they failed in every new patch and make game worse and worse every week, every month, every year "

    But seems BP doesn't care. They have a new MMORPG game to be introduced soon and Drakensang is a dead game. Now confirmed.

    Good to know :D
  9. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    I've stayed loyal to this game almost since rangers appeared. Yes, there were a lot of bad events, bugs and so on. But one thing you all guys said is not truth. Devs don't listen us?

    First of all, remember all previous events with advancing difficulty according to group. And now? events are much more easier with group because it isn't getting harder.

    Secondly, I am programmer myself, and I am creating a game as well. And believe me, it is really hard to keep game implementing some new stuff without any bugs.

    And last but not least. Imagine yourself being programmers of DSO. How would you feel, if you had worked 2,3 sleepless days or even weeks to create better experience for you guys?

    In conclusion, i want to tell you guys that DSO isn't dead game, even though there are some (sometimes major) bugs

    Keep up the good work devs :)

    Yamahamm, Heredur
  10. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    long as their pockets are filled why would they care about the players already here, if they leave there will always be new ones coming to the game...
    its a good game but can be way much better than what it is now...

    always a pleasure

  11. sdknightno1

    sdknightno1 Advanced

    Yes, that is exactly the point I am trying to get at there. Right now Drakensang is a bad game because Bigpoint models their business after money, money, and more money. The only way to change Drakensang to a game that is comparable to WoW is by modifying their business model to something that seeks to build a great game rather than to make money.

    My main message to Bigpoint is that: Don't focus on making money, and focus on making a great game. Once you make a great game, the money will just come. Games that are focused on money don't live long.
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