Incompetent support, what do do?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by 9ndrei, Sep 29, 2019.

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  1. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert


    This thread is mostly for any moderator/admin that can help me. I've recently had an issue with the game. I've bought a premium membership. While the membership was active (still had quite a lot hours left) I was stripped of all my premium benefits, for which I paid.

    I contacted 'local' support about it and provided a screenshot with the cursor hovering over the buff where it stated that I have a premium membership active and with the inventory opened which clearly showed the Levander tab and the Premium Inventory Tab grayed out, as well as the Premium Crown marker on the top right grayed out.

    After three POLITE e-mail exchanges with support where in the first one she supposedly didn't understand the problem, in the second one she told me it was a bug (as if I didn't clearly see that) and in the third told me she cannot do anything nor can she give me back the 'stolen' premium, she suddenly closed the ticket. My last reply bounced back with this subject: "Game Problem REJECTED'.

    Now while I do get that a game can have bugs for which the company running it cannot assume responsibility, in this case we're talking about SOMETHING I BOUGHT and DIDN'T FULLY RECEIVE. And refusing to do anything about it, makes me think of it as THEFT.

    Question is, what am I supposed to do now? Personally, I would like to talk to her supervisor and let hem assess whether she did her job. I have a strong feeling that incompetence isn't a trait that support should have.

    Since there is no other way to contact anyone else, all I'm left with is this forum and the option of contacting support again. The latter isn't really an option since I will be talking with the same incompetent person. You know what they say: "Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results"... and I think of myself as a sane person.

    Finally, though the 'damages' weren't amounting to much, on principle, IF I PAY FOR SOMETHING I HAVE THIS CRAZY IDEA I SHOULD GET IT.

    Thank you in advance. While waiting for a reply, I will look into contacting BigPoint to resolve this issue, if I can find a phone number / email address.

    MENTOL Living Forum Legend

    As far as I am aware, problems with the Support Service on the forum cannot be resolved.
  3. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello @9ndrei,

    We are sorry you are so frustrated but there is nothing the English forum team or English support team can do to help you. The only thing you can do is discuss this further with the support team - don't look at it as insanity, but as the only option you have. If you got the rejection auto-reply, it means your ticket was closed, so you can try submitting a new one with a complaint, requesting to be escalated to a supervisor, since any reply you send to the initial ticket will not be received and will continue bouncing-back. Contacting Bigpoint by phone or e-mail won't help you either - you'll be directed to your language support game team.

    As @MENTOL correctly stated, there is nothing we can do about this issue on the forum, we can't interfere in any way nor discuss this further, so I will close this thread now and wish you good luck with support! Thank you for your understanding.
    Best regards,
    MENTOL likes this.
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