Suggestion Increase server capacity

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Inrange, Feb 24, 2015.

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Do something about it?

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  1. Inrange

    Inrange Forum Apprentice

    I'm not sure if this is the reason but I'll put it out there as it is very annoying and results in players unable to play at all.

    When I play in the moning/afternoon there is hardly any lagg/lagg spikes(lagg between moving from one place to another and in some cases not being moved in the right location) but in the evening there are more players online and lagg/lagg spikes becomes recurring. Can you increase the server capacity (mainly heredur), or I'm not sure whether it's the amount of people on the website(something like website traffic) causing this. As more and more new players are joining(which is great) but also problems like lagg/ lagg spikes is an real issue, constant lagg spikes when moving is really annoying and when trying to clear a map it leads to deaths.

    By the way my internet connection is fine. Any suggestions, except download the client, to help reduce this?
    andylee33 likes this.
  2. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    What server are you on and where are you from.

    There might be other reasons your not getting on.
  3. Inrange

    Inrange Forum Apprentice

    Server: Heredur
    From: England

    But I am getting online...
  4. andylee33

    andylee33 Forum Greenhorn

    Server: Heredur
    From: Mauritius

    I use the client n Yesterday i played about 3hours without losing connection and it happened to me now and lost connection every 1mins and get connect again. My internet connection is fine n where is the problem, does i need to uninstall/install again
  5. maancrust

    maancrust Junior Expert

    I've been experiencing heavy lag on Heredur server most notably in the evenings when there seems to be the highest traffic on the server. Others in my groups also regularly complain about lag during that time period. Mornings - afternoons and late evenings/early mornings (from ca. 0:00/1 am onwards) I've experienced little to no lag at all, which has led me to suspect that the likely cause may be server overload.
    Whether I play on browser or client makes little to no difference.

    PS. I first started noticing this lag directly after the fix to release 143
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
  6. 1) The outage on Heredur was not related to server capacity
    2) Any decision regarding the need for increased server capacity for any of the DSO servers, will result from internal analysts and discussions - not from an opinion poll on a forum.
    3) Lag is pretty common on a server after restart. It would be of concern if it persists for the majority of players several hours after the restart
    4) If you are experiencing severe lag, there are several things you can do to minimise it. For ideas, head to the forum's Tech FAQ.
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