Announcement Increased Difficulty for Curse of the Black Knights

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by teddy.bear, Nov 9, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hey Heroes,

    As you might know via the Patch Notes 158, we are implementing the new Paralell Worlds and also we are laying the foundation for a new difficulty system for the Parallel Worlds (Part #2 in R159) already now.​

    The monsters which are present on Castel Ravencaw (Difficult) work with the same mechanic and are unfortunately directly affected by this mechanic.

    What does this mean?

    Well, after release 158 has gone live, this means that the monster which are present on this map will be tougher and more difficult to defeat. However, look on the bright side, this also means that their loot is better!

    So for the duration of 12-16th November the monsters in the map Castle Ravencaw (Difficult) will become harder to defeat.
    Thank you,
    CM Greg, Haruki & The DSO Moderation Team
  2. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello Heroes,

    Since release 158 is not being deployed Thursday 12th of November, the monsters in the event Curse of the Black Knights will not become stronger.
    Best regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
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