Feedback Invasion of Jarlshofn

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Allogeneous, Jul 8, 2016.

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  1. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    ...or 30/30 or 20/20, but the point is that making them equal would fix this. Only BigPoint could think that identical drop rates, but dissimilar quantities is "balanced."
    MikeyMetro and EhtovK like this.
  2. Play.4.Fun

    Play.4.Fun Someday Author

    Worst event ever!

    OK, there is nonsense on Jarlshofn map with Anne Reed quest. Someone from group can take the quest and kill 2 mobs... and you will end hanging out there because it is not posible to finish quest.

    BUT! Bigger nonsense on Hognis Mine map. In quest 1/4 I get 5th elixir after group kill Jodurr and than try to take 2/4 but there is no chance to finish it. So normal progress from one run about 80.... without progress from quest 2-3-4/4 i get only 44 :( :( .

    Now _Baragain_ can try to do the math with 44 progress from one run but.... with all "rewards" I dont think it is worth my time.
  3. Theusen

    Theusen Padavan

    Well... I did my best!
    I grinded (not only my teeth, but also the) event, and worked up an amazing 800 frostwind, and was looking forward to finish the minievent with ease, as I thought I was well ahead... Turns out, that not only was that not enough, but TWICE THAT AMOUNT WOULD NOT FINISH THAT EVENT!!!
    I also tried doing mini in groups to see if that made a difference... it did! TO THE WORSE! Now I am not only facing bad rewards, impossible grinding etc, but also the bugs from BUGPOINT! The quests from which U get the main income of minieventprogress is now bugged! Grrr!

    I want compensation! This is soo much BS! BP answer me this: Do U EVER try to evaluate on events? Have U got even 1 guy hired to give U feedback on the does and donts? Cause U sure as heck never listens to the community!

    This event is even worse than Ur first Helios-event 4 years ago, and thats saying something! -So this is how U celebrate Ur 5-year-annivesary of comming out from beta??? -Making the worst event in DSOhistory? -GJ BugPoint!
    icicle478 likes this.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    They need to wait until all players take the quest . And the first step is ... all gather infront Anne and wait everyone to come ... then take the quest.
    It happened to me as well ... i was playing with my tank and i couldn't finish even the first quest line.

    Still having doubts? :p


    I want to point out how meaningless the challenge rewards are:


    for 2800 progress you get 100 War Gear.
    Now ... to get to 2800 challenge progress you have to play the other maps all day long every day ... since the event start ... farming wind.
    By that time you would probably get more than 1000 War Gear and you will have at least one ring and a lot of chests (50 War Gear Q) ... so designers ... do you think 100 War Gear is a nice reward for that much of progress?
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
    Zed and Theusen like this.
  5. Zed

    Zed Forum Pro

    I especially like how you get 450 essences of destruction for hours and hours of endless grinding while you can get 10 times more in the Desert of Essences for 2 hours worth of farming
    trakilaki likes this.
  6. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    in the mini the rewards for progress are pretty bad but the drops of cubes, legs and health pots have been excellent may even have to go back to running regular event to get more entries in mini just for the drops
  7. Play.4.Fun

    Play.4.Fun Someday Author

    Yes, but if all group members are not at Anne point thay will be attack by that 2 mobs and....

    And today new situation. Waiting for loters to start I decide to spend that frozen transport I have.... go in with my friend and I get kick out by the server, of course I finish in kinghill but he was unable to finish 2/4 :(. So finish progress in mini is hard whan you do the math, but with all bugs... immposible.

    EDIT: Do I need to say that he didnt get to kill Jodurr because he was alone and cant get that quest?
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
  8. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    This is why playing with randoms is a bad idea... Play with people who know what they are doing and you don't need to worry about these problems.
    trakilaki likes this.
  9. Play.4.Fun

    Play.4.Fun Someday Author

    Come on, I change 4 guild just because there is always group or two of players who play every event and the rest... for the rest of guild is same if they are with or without the guild. Most of the time thay play with random group.
  10. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    I think this is the devs way of telling us that they are not planning on improving these events. I have a bit over 500 war gear now so at least for the next two events I can just buy the defender piece and be done with it. So in that respect I guess I can say, "thank you" to the devs for saving me from further agony :rolleyes:

    Luck be with ye,
    trakilaki and _Baragain_ like this.
  11. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    In a separate post @

    We already concluded the way to go for this event is to just burn out remaining wind with no way closer to the completion.

    Also the way quest structured is just purely illogical, IMHO SOP for players would be:
    1. Kill Boss
    2. Collect Loot
    3. BRag take selfie
    4. Then Port...

    Most would not have remember to "brag" to the NPC in map for completion....

    IF and IF there is gonna be a change ever, please consider quest sequencing and off course I need not mentioned about wood vs stone balancing
  12. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

  13. bLoodZ

    bLoodZ Someday Author

    If you get disconnected you get kicked in town, and you have to continue from where you left, like on Full moon... That makes 100 frozen farts/2 entrances for one complete run.
  14. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Like I said ... wait everyone to come then take the quest.
    Yes that is why I am playing the events only with my friends or solo.
    When I finish the event ... i might be able to help somebody ... but whatever they do wrong is not of my concern. They are asking for help not me ...