Invasion of Kingshill Bug. (error 21 & fork denied)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Deefje, Feb 13, 2014.

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  1. Sukkiri

    Sukkiri Forum Greenhorn

    I just started playing yesterday and leveled my mage to lvl 12 and it took a long while and it's very disapointing to see all that work of doing quests and taking the time to get my character on it's feet just to see it's not there the next day. Did I do something wrong? Am I being trolled by the game itself?(Kind of funny). I don't mind to much but if this is going to happen everytime it's not going to be fun at all, but rather annoying...

  2. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    Make sure you're logging into the right server. If you try logging into another it will say you do not exist.
  3. Sukkiri

    Sukkiri Forum Greenhorn

    Ah, thanks for that!! xD
  4. Melethainiel

    Melethainiel Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

  5. Rashnu75

    Rashnu75 Forum Greenhorn

    I hope someone has some useful insight to this. It was working for weeks, next day this error.
    I have been getting a Nebula Application Error. I went through the forums and did what was suggested. Even uninstalled and reinstalled Java. But this is the error I am still getting and can not get into the game.
    Nebula3 Application Error

    func:class Util::String_cdecl

    Thread:Main Thread

    Furthermore, when Windows tries to find a solution(I don't trust it), these are the details of the problem it gives me.

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: drakensangonline.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 53173d3a
    Fault Module Name: drakensangonline.exe
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 53173d3a
    Exception Code: 40000015
    Exception Offset: 0027831c
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: c676
    Additional Information 2: c67661daec04ab1d2a408a5288a092b0
    Additional Information 3: e153
    Additional Information 4: e15383c5db3b844fee4c305069cd96de
  6. xxxdogxxx

    xxxdogxxx Forum Greenhorn

    So I bought premium with bit coin filled out the right amount of coins sent it it said it was successful.That was 3 hours ago. I haven't gotten my premium and according to my wallet the funds have been taken out but has not been verified by the seller. So i went to fill out a support ticket but THERE IS NO OPTION FOR BITCOIN problems.
    So I'm wondering has anyone used bitcons on this site to buy anything? Cause i'm rather upset that it's been over 3 hours and I have not received my purchase...
  7. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    This isn't supposed to happen anymore. Why can DSO programmers not fix something without breaking three other things? I'm tired of this. I'm too tired of posting bugs to post all the details, specs, etc. None of this stuff ever gets fixed anyway. Plain and simple; you suck, BP. Sell DSO to a company who cares.
    Superme likes this.
  8. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

  9. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    For those experiencing error 35 issues, some antivirus applications may be interfering with the client update.

    These steps should help most of you:
    1. Disable your antivirus
    2. Clear the DSOClient folder
    3. Update the client
  10. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

  11. Rashnu75

    Rashnu75 Forum Greenhorn

    I am using the browser version of the game. Is there a DSO Client folder with the browser version?
    Update: I found the DSO Client my C: drive. The files are still deleting. Almost 14k files. I have my stuff like this redirected to my games drive. Why in this day would you have this type of stuff defaulted to your OS drive? Why not give those of us who do not want to clutter up their OS drive the option to redirect the path?
    Still don't know if it works, it's still deleting.


    Did not work. Not only did I restart the browser before restarting the game, but I restarted my computer. Still giving the exact same error as originally stated.

    Ok I see that my post were merged, but still no response on the issue. I've done everything requested. If the problem can't be fixed, I would truly like my money refunded and I will be on my way.

    Ok, still no response other than the email that took me on a wild goose chase for a few hours with the same results as the original posting. I responded to the email but after a couple of days of you guys telling me the same thing over and over with no real help, I think I'm done wasting my time and will inform the rest of my guild that was headed this way, not to waste their time.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2014
  12. Siloviti

    Siloviti Forum Greenhorn

    This is a very bad game ... No trade and full of bugs .... I have tried to resolve the event and of course I failed because instead of taking 100 Stone ( as required by the task ) he takes everything from inventory ( meaning that it does not matter whether I I have 160 pieces or 100 pieces ) ! ! The game is too expensive for us who live in smaller countries, which then gives a great advantage for example, the Germans ... the game is " free " as a free bread .... I can only say that I will not play this game more and not even my friends . Lost .. 6 players who would gladly have given some money in this game just as you neglect the game proves that you did not improve in the interest of the game but what better charge . Can you just say that more and more people ( the players ) that I know wants to stop playing this game but hope that you will do something regarding the price and the difference between the players who pay the game and the players who do not have money to pay for this game ... I would like you to place the label that pays games and not to cheat people called " free to play" ... support for the game is desperate ... Consider whether it is better that you pay 30 euros 10,000 people or more that 1,000 000 people paid 10 euros ? ? If you have not thought about it , then you would be better to start because after this I see , we deeply hurt " that thing " for small consumers who are also the largest consumer in the world ... Thank you for nothing ...
  13. Siloviti

    Siloviti Forum Greenhorn

    This is a very bad game ... No trade and full of bugs .... I have tried to resolve the event and of course I failed because instead of taking 100 Stone ( as required by the task ) he takes everything from inventory ( meaning that it does not matter whether I I have 160 pieces or 100 pieces ) ! ! The game is too expensive for us who live in smaller countries, which then gives a great advantage for example, the Germans ... the game is " free " as a free bread .... I can only say that I will not play this game more and not even my friends . Lost .. 6 players who would gladly have given some money in this game just as you neglect the game proves that you did not improve in the interest of the game but what better charge . Can you just say that more and more people ( the players ) that I know wants to stop playing this game but hope that you will do something regarding the price and the difference between the players who pay the game and the players who do not have money to pay for this game ... I would like you to place the label that pays games and not to cheat people called " free to play" ... support for the game is desperate ... Consider whether it is better that you pay 30 euros 10,000 people or more that 1,000 000 people paid 10 euros ? ? If you have not thought about it , then you would be better to start because after this I see , we deeply hurt " that thing " for small consumers who are also the largest consumer in the world ... Thank you for nothing ...
  14. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    ummm it is free to play if you play it that way..... its not the games fault that you CANT play it... try a little farming to get money, nothing is free in life try working for something.... thank you for your little moan, now go play candy crush :D

    always a pleasure
    multitoonz likes this.
  15. -necromonster-

    -necromonster- Junior Expert

    I've quoted your post Multitoonz as the move posts tool is a little finicky. Siloviti, when making a new thread, please do so in 1 forum section.
  16. Siloviti

    Siloviti Forum Greenhorn

    I know play games... this game is too big faill... too many bugs and the game is too expensive... has exactly 0 features of the game... Players who pay the game have too much advantage of those who do not pay...
    for you may play cheap because you live in Germany or America while playing for my country too expensive ... for two months premuim on this game can buy the game for two months on WoW ... + in this game are all paid money ... even boottles Hp .... that means that support is not important quality games ... by your response shows that you are a child who has everything in life and that you did not play together because your mom and dad pays the game ... every day I go to work and work for a salary and can not afford this game because it is expensive and not worth half as much as the prices ...

    Moderator, pls be good... game is a faill and u know that... u want say to me that 30 f bottle cost 2 euro??? ahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha... very very low game... i must all f things pay with real money and game is free... ahhahahahahahaha bad bad bad bad very bad....

    Be realistic, the game is just beautiful, and nothing more ... 0 points gameplay, bugs is too much, no traid, inventory is expensive and too small and still very much imperfection ....

    exist 4-5 years and still have not introduced some normal (for this class of games) things ... it's very weak ... in 4-5 years this game is supposed to be a miracle and not the fact that he is currently ...

    As far as payment, I would gladly give money for this game only because the game is based only on the fact that you give your money and you get what???? Everything you want in this game you have to pay or play a game 17 years and maybe get something ... Here's an example, the premium acc Cota gets more and more andermenta and what does that mean?? The game forces you if you want to be among the better to pay a game ... Then you should make a payment game and give people to play and enjoy the entire game and not to me if I want a Goddess hpa I have to give money ... very sad. .
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 9, 2014
    stasis likes this.
  17. -necromonster-

    -necromonster- Junior Expert

    Siloviti, please make use of the Edit button at the bottom of your posts if you wish to add more to your original post. It is considered spamming when you double...quintuple post.
  18. Siloviti

    Siloviti Forum Greenhorn

    Moderator, this is very important??? omg... see, that is the problem... Support deals with only unimportant things ... OK, I get it ... stupid game with stupid support ...
  19. -necromonster-

    -necromonster- Junior Expert

    I am a Forum Moderator. I moderate the forums. If you wish to contact Support with your issues, you can do so here.
  20. wrasping

    wrasping Forum Greenhorn

    I have been unable to log in this morning going on 3 hours now.
    not sure whats going on. have I been delited or is my pc broken?
    I looked all over home pages and forums for answers. I have found none.
    Question is . is thare a server status on this game is thare answers to anything at all? please some1 throw me some answers im loosing the rest of my hair over this.
    ty .