Inventory Question

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mwolfe09, Feb 18, 2014.

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  1. mwolfe09

    mwolfe09 Forum Apprentice

    So I see there are 4 Pages for Inventory, are the 4 Lines on each page?

    Also, is it always 4K Andermant to expand or does it go up as you add more pages.

    Same for storage, is it always 2K to expand or does it go up as you add more pages.

    Thank you..
  2. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    After a while it levels off to 4,000 andermants per line.
  3. mwolfe09

    mwolfe09 Forum Apprentice

    thank you.
  4. ZmajodBosne

    ZmajodBosne Active Author

    You can buy inventory expansion bag - adds 3 inventory rows for 10.800 anders...

    Each row in main inventory cost 4k anders, so you can save 1.200 anders if you buy this bag.
  5. mwolfe09

    mwolfe09 Forum Apprentice


    Thank you, wish i knew that before, next question, where do you get that bag?

    Talk to you soon,
  6. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hi mwolfe09,

    Whenever you're inside any city, just press T and a window shop will open, at the top choose the one that says "Packs" (it looks like a present).
    Warlord likes this.
  7. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    You don't have to be in a city to open the main shopping window. I often open it when I don't want it open, in dungeons ;)
  8. mwolfe09

    mwolfe09 Forum Apprentice

    ok, thank you.
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