Is it Bp loves me or hates me? :P

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by deathacceptor, Feb 14, 2014.

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  1. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    So here's the deal :p i got the snake tooth quiver from gorga hard a few weeks ago and farming for cots whole day long in Qs (except for Q1 and Q6 m1 they suck in cot drop) and yet i got only 100 cots in a weeks farm lol :p and now a few days ago i went to kill mortis , for the first time i killed the mortis and guess what i got the chain of death (ranger) on my first kill :p im really lucky i know but the thing is im not getting any cots from a week so as the title says Bp loves me? xD or Bp really hates for making me burn xD :p
    Exodus likes this.
  2. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    ...or, you could be attempting to assign purpose to random chaos. It wouldn't be the first time. Humans have been doing it since as long as we've been here on earth. Everything changes, especially luck.
  3. darknightbleeds

    darknightbleeds Forum Apprentice

    ...... Well I would say you are lucky about getting uniques but cots well not so much.
  4. Exodus

    Exodus Someday Author

    You are lucky getting the chain of death from mortis. U saved lot of essenses, i can say u are lucky :)
  5. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    well after 10 months i got a unique :p wait i got two uniques :p im kinda excited and guess what the cot drop rate is sooo low that till now i have only unlocked one unique :/ and i spent 2500 anderments on cot :/ now thats how i identified my unique :p i have 200 cots now and 150 anderments :p so are you sure im lucky? :p cz i dont think so hehe :p
  6. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Maybe BP would "hate you" less if you stopped using so many ( :p )'s ... just saying... there are things called commas and periods. But, whatever, do what you gotta do I guess.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2014
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