Feedback Is the team aware of load speeds?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by I_hate, Feb 24, 2023.

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  1. I_hate

    I_hate Forum Greenhorn

    it takes over 3 minutes to load into a map. is it that hard to add resources to the servers????
    when it lags on x:59 every 4 hours it takes over 7 minutes to unfreeze.... EDIT like i go, take 10x 3 minute loadings and im out thats like 30 min of my life gone in waiting.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 25, 2023
  2. amuntak47

    amuntak47 Someday Author

    I also get my wifi freezing and it only happens when i change map , need to reset the router when out of the game i have no problem. Map changing most of the time need 5 mins. *** ?? the game is unplayable right now
    Kiwigal1244 likes this.
  3. Mrarcin22x

    Mrarcin22x Active Author

    I'd like also know if the team is aware of the issue. The game is not playable for me and I just pay for premium... feel like I get slap in the face :(
    Kiwigal1244 and imperiummm like this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    They are aware of it. The question is; are they capable of fixing it?
    To me it seems they are experts in adding shop items without any problems, but anything else seems to be impossible for them.
    Kiwigal1244 likes this.
  5. imperiummm

    imperiummm Forum Greenhorn

    I can't even login in the game right now but my premium time still counting ... Its so frustrating
    T3SS likes this.
  6. T3SS

    T3SS Forum Apprentice

    Game is back on, there was a server maintenance. Of course without prior information (at least I did not find any), informing players apparently is not important ;)
    Map loading speeds are still joke, faster loading was apparently only part of Valentine's 'event'...
  7. imperiummm

    imperiummm Forum Greenhorn

    Not actually...
    I can't login in the game, it is not loading, I can't even choose my server...
    amuntak47 likes this.
  8. LyLyh

    LyLyh Someday Author

    They are absolutely incompetent to fix this problem over a year!
    Great job! Well done! You fill this game with useless things but the main problem is stil unsolved! 1-2 min and more to play ports and all rainbow clours on our screens! 3 min and more to cross all maps to go to kill 1 time Mortis for dragon bones and we loose half of the time of the elexir waiting for Jeasus to come on the Earth again?!? Why is this map Elysium at all??? Why ???
    I cant play blood mode for chests or I do only 3 chests ! EDIT
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 28, 2023
    amuntak47 likes this.