Discussion in 'General Forum' started by trojanCC, Mar 18, 2021.

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should I start ?

  1. you should start and you can play solo this game without paying any money

    4 vote(s)
  2. nope

    12 vote(s)
  1. trojanCC

    trojanCC Forum Greenhorn

    hi I played this game for 2 years but about 6 months ago I unninstall the game from my computer and I did not play again because I think dso doesn't thinking players and this game is exactly pay to win so could I start again for a little bit nostalgy ?
  2. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    There will be no nostalgia here. It's a very different game now. It looks like Drakensang Online, but it is not. It is Drakensang Dark Legacy.

    And I don't think I would start a new character. Two of my alt characters are level 15 and they have been cut off from getting wisdom (used to do the "1" daily challenge when it was 250 wisdom and I had 9 items to melt). Now the first reward is "2" items completed and I've yet to see ANY ancient wisdom in their "2", "3", "5" daily challenges. As it looks now, you won't get any ancient wisdom until level 30, which will put the player way way way behind the curve coming up.
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