Issue of Payment From India

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nashedi000, Jun 23, 2014.

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  1. nashedi000

    nashedi000 Someday Author

    Just recently I cant seems to buy premium or any other ander packs with my Visa Cards... used friends card too but same thing happened again, actually my Cards r Working fine on every other things... I dont know if the issue is with yr bank or something...Paypal and moneybrooker options r not working also.. plz inform me wat to do

  2. Hi nashedi000. Please send a ticket into Support re. Payments and explain your situation and they will investigate it for you.
  3. nashedi000

    nashedi000 Someday Author

    Dear Mod, I have done that, contacted support first, But there is a very limited scope of telling them anything with that form like feedback.. and my problem is unclear even to me... i made payment for premium till last month, with the same card and now its not working, may be if DSO can provide an Indian payment gateway too.. It will be a big help.. thanx
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