Issue with bonus codes

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Yanmir, Dec 28, 2021.

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  1. nvmind

    nvmind Forum Inhabitant

    Well, they gave dsosanta back, and with the chests from gnob, plus that the changes on the lingering memory items didn't really change anything, just moved the stats from wisdom to the item... this shows some promise, the hope is not all lost :)
    Alpaca likes this.
  2. Mariokbe

    Mariokbe User

    Hello again everyone!

    Coming up with a short input on the situation. There was a maintenance recently, which contained some improvements of the upcoming Riot of the Rocketmen, but was mainly planned for bringing back the notification boxes of players who used the DSOSANTA code. As the servers are currently back online, the packages should await you, in case you redeemed the code before the latest release deployment.
    Alpaca likes this.
  3. Yanmir

    Yanmir Forum Greenhorn

    I confirm the package is available. Thanks for the fix!
    Alpaca likes this.
  4. Alpaca

    Alpaca Forum Apprentice

    Thank you DSO team!

    Yes, agreed +1

    Happy New Year to everyone, cheers! :)