It’s been a long time

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by God, Nov 8, 2020.

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  1. God

    God Forum Apprentice

    Hello I’ve logged in for the first time in a very long time. There’s been many updates to the game and I’m very confused to be honest. Currently I’m using Witch set and Roshan on my spell weaver. How viable are these sets in today’s meta? What are some things I should know?
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Everything will change in 2-1/2 weeks.

    What level are you now? 40? Current level-cap is 55, but soon there will be 100 levels.

    The meta until then is based on Parallel World sets. For SW, there are apparently a couple of options, but, 1) You're too weak to farm for them now, 2) we don't know details but have been told the main PW unique sets will be reworked.

    Short term, focus on leveling to 55, farm as much wisdom as you can (though the meta on the Wisdom tree [which is way different than what you were used to seeing] is probably changing again, too), farm glyphs of power (aka GOPs) by melting equipment farmed from monster drops. Melt everything; sell nothing (ok, if you're completely out of gold, sell the green [Improved] equipment from drops).

    Don't worry about crafting; that meta changed dramatically since you left, and is about to change dramatically again. In the current state, crafting takes a ton of gold and a ton of luck. In the next iteration, crafting will chiefly require GOPs, but will be less randomized.

    Equipment currently has a max of 5 gem slots and 5 rune slots (which convey special powers and can be restricted to certain types of equipment). In the Content Expansion, equipment will have 10 gem slots. Runes and Jewels (which are currently special gems and fit in gem slots) will be moved to a new kind of holder; the details on that are a bit vague.

    Oh, sapphires (the blue attack speed gems) are gone.

    You'll be able to put any kind of gem, offensive or defensive, in any piece of equipment. There will be a max # of each kind of gem equipped at any given time, but the devs are still waffling as to what exactly those limits will be.

    In the meantime, knowing that you can have up to 130 gem slots in the future, think twice about combining gems until after CE hits.

    If all that doesn't confuse you, you should consider writing game guides :).
    trakilaki likes this.
  3. God

    God Forum Apprentice

    Thank you so much for the detailed response! Looks like I've got a lot to relearn. Not gonna lie I miss the simple days of grinding my life away for CoTs. There just seems to be a lot of complexity. I've been thinking about restarting on the Heredur server, because I'm on Tegan and it seems pretty dead. But losing all my mounts etc would be heart breaking. What happened with the sapphires? Do I get reimbursed for those?
  4. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Sapphire "conversion" was a long time ago, so I don't remember exactly what we got (my toons were new and weak, didn't have many of that gem type), but assume it was exchanged for X amount of Runes of Celerity ... the attack speed rune which today would go in your staff, but in a couple weeks will get shifted to that new rune/jewel container.


    I coincidentally also started on Tegan, eventually switched to Grimmag (one of the German servers). Ping from California to Grimmag is in the 150-170 ms range; that may seem like a high #, but I don't typically run into delays which interfere in game-play.


    I left a lot out, actually :). Some trivial, some more important.

    One thing to look out for: The devs have reworked various maps and also reworked the questlines, so you'll want to re-familiarize yourself with the maps (Kingshill has been rebuilt probably 3 times since you played; the game now has a tutorial mode/map for new toons; there's a new town at the beginning of post-tutorial gameplay, as well as a reworked initial map before you get to Kingshill; the Parallel Worlds are now accessed through a central hub called the City of Cardhun [you'll see it as an island near the center of the world map]; Foxarrific Bureau of Investigation was expanded [presumably to slow down farming there]) and revisit every NPC to see if any quests have been added to their trigger list. This is especially important in Kingshill, as everyone is required to step through some early-to-late crafting quests; you won't be able to craft gems above a certain level until you complete those quests, which wander out beyond Kingshill fairly quickly. To make it a bit more awkward, most of those crafting quests (there are actually two sets; one for gear and one for gems, but they cross paths at one point) are level dependent. Assuming you're level 40-ish, you'll be able to get through the first 60-75% of the crafting quests, but then will have to wait to level up before you can continue ... and stumble across the next quest. They start in the various towns in order of expansion, so you'll be able to work on the Kingshill quests, then Silfmoor, then Teganswall, the Norselands, and Helios / Atlantis, but might not be able to do Myrdosch (the dwarf-land) crafting quests.

    I suspect at least some of those quests will go away or be replaced in the Content Expansion update, so don't panic about completing them. However, if you're in one of the many grind points when you have no current main or side quests available to help level up your toon, you can return to the crafting quest lines.

    And, again, there are other miscellaneous new-to-you quests in the older towns, not just the crafting quests. So get cozy with all the NPCs you run into; they may offer you something extra to do along the way.


    Oh, and you probably don't know about the current difficulty levels (which, again, will change in 3 weeks, but that will mainly affect late-game players, not your toon). When you prepare to enter most dungeons, you'll be greeted with a splash window which allows you to choose the difficulty ... IF you're already at max level for that particular region. The crafting quests I mentioned above must be done at a difficulty higher than Normal; pretty much all other quests must be done at Normal.

    But, if you're just grinding, and want more challenge (and better loot), try entering a dungeon in an area you've already "conquered" at Painful level. Mobs will be tougher (but not as tough as Parallel World), loot will be better, and if you clear the dungeon of all monsters, a special Sentinel (accompanied by a smaller set of fresh mobs) will appear. Kill him/her and you'll get two kinds of drops: A decent set of goodies from the Sentinel, plus a special chest will appear with, usually, crap ... but you'll occasionally drop a Rune of the Wisdom Seeker, which will give you a very small boost to the drop stack size of ancient wisdom.

    You can also gather ingredients which you'll be able to craft into potions and other consumables (you'll need recipes, some of which you buy from craft masters in various towns, and some of which you'll, hopefully, drop as rewards from the crafting quests). I don't think the devs are reworking consumable crafting in the CE.

    (They may be tweaking gem crafting as noted above, and are definitely "updating" equipment crafting. We'll know more starting this Wednesday when the CE is supposed to show up on the test server. Maybe.)


    I'll try to stop with the details. Post more questions if any come to mind. Good luck and have fun!
    wolfie54, trakilaki and God like this.
  5. God

    God Forum Apprentice

    I appreciate all the details a lot, very informative and what I was looking for since I have no one to ask. Tegan is very dead, no guild anymore. Kind of sad actually, there’s no low levels running around anymore. I hope they advertise their game or something. Currently I’m level 50. My game plan is to grind to level 55 as soon as possible to prepare for this expansion. In your opinion what do you think is the most important for me to stock up on? Currently all of my uniques are set to be melted(they’re all out dated anyways) been considering getting premium while I grind to save up cubes, but I see some people are worried about their cubes after this expansion so I don’t know. I’m very new to crafting and upgrading so tbh I’m lost and probably just gonna save all my glyphs and coins for the expansion
  6. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    If you have some realm fragments saved up (look for the currency bag button in the upper left-hand corner of the screen … the list contained therein include gold, glyphs, realm fragments, materi fragments, and other more- or less-critical currencies), consider trying the new version of the Full Moon Event, which should be kicking off today or tomorrow.

    I don't think BP will rework that event in the short term, nor the unique items that you might drop there. My spell-weaver isn't end-game, so I can't speak from experience, but my reading of the forum suggests that the Bloodmoon set (and weapon, specifically) is a possible at least mid-term solution for your toon.

    If you left before that latest iteration of the event was released, you won't be able to take full advantage when it's running, but you should start the build-up quests (takes about 3 months to bounce back and forth between playing the first two maps in non-event mode and active event-mode before you have full access, including to the third map where you'll earn larger amounts of progress during the event).

    In addition to potentially getting an equipment set, you can earn (and potentially drop) Runes of Celerity to give you faster weapon speed.


    I think I would recommend you focus on:

    1) Leveling up to 55

    2) Building up your glyph inventory:
    1) Melting green, blue items without bothering to open them
    2) Open and examine purple (extraordinary) items to see if they have gold and/or platinum enchantments
    a) "Gold" enchantments (the % value is literally shown in pale orange text) have values up to 82% of the max values … I would melt anything less than 80% of max
    b) "Platinum" enchantments (% value text looks yellowish to me, but I may be slightly color-blind :)) have values between 82.x% and 100% of max … I personally am farther along, so was only saving "platinum" in the 97% to 100% range, but grab whatever you can find and have space to hold onto
    3) Open and examine orange (legendary) items to see if they should replace your existing items … otherwise, melt
    4) Open and examine yellow (unique) items and evaluate similarly to legendary drops … but expect to melt most of them
    5) If you're completely out of coins, sell the green equipment you drop
    3) Try to tackle natural world dungeons on Painful
    1) Harvest ingredients to craft consumables, including:
    a) anacampseros (too lazy to look up the proper spelling) to create healing potions
    b) bluebonnet to create resource (mana) potions
    c) noble magnolia to create HP boost tonics
    d) other stuff as you like … but ignore the ores for now: They are used to upgrade the current highest level gems (royal), but only the versions of ores you'll harvest at difficulties starting with Fatal will help in that process

    Caveat: We don't know how gem crafting may change, so it's possible that low-level ores may have some value in CE. But I doubt it.
    2) Harvest Keys of Prowess which drop when you kill the Sentinel after clearing the dungeon

    NOTE: The Great Desert "dungeon" you've probably just encountered in the last map area opened at level 50 has fairly rapidly respawning mobs and even a Sentinel, a giant beetle in the center of the map. If you enter that dungeon at Painful +, the Sentinel will drop Keys of Prowess, and you can continuously circle around the map killing mobs, champions and the Sentinel without leaving and re-entering the map

    You will need these keys because they allow you to enter boss rooms at Painful+ … and when you kill a natural world Boss at Painful+, you'll get other custom ingredients necessary to craft most of the more useful consumables as well as upgrading your royal gems to enhanced then magic royal gems. Yes, you're a far way off from royal gem crafting, but (assuming the paradigm doesn't change too much), it takes a long time to build up that part of your ingredient inventory so start as soon as you can.

    Do tackle Boss rooms on Painful, however, as you will be using one of the special ingredients they drop even at Painful mode.​

    4) If your inventory isn't already fully opened up (backpack and locker), spend your andermant there … do not buy anything else

    5) I don't know if there's an optimal way to "farm" wisdom, but you need plenty of that ... probably just bite the bullet and farm The Great Desert until your eyes and fingers bleed :) … you'll pick up cash, glyphs (from converting equipment drops), wisdom, potions … and, rarely, costumes, pets and mounts.

    (FYI, the Content Expansion has been postponed a week, to Decemer 1st. I personally have been assuming all along that it will get delayed until after the Winter Festival event, but we'll see …)
    lion3370 and rcch like this.
  7. God

    God Forum Apprentice

    I have over a 1000 realm fragments. Did they change it so all events use realm fragments now? Or is it still only moon events? You said that the event has changed and I have stuff to do before the actual event. Do I just visit the place normally off event time? I just grinded to about 52 and have finished all the quests in that area. Thank you for letting me know about those key drops I will probably just farm the great desert on painful until 55 to stack it up.

    Big question about those convert equipment drops. I have collected a few and I’m wondering if it’s worth using now or just save them. I feel like once we’re able to get to 100 it’s best to save for then.

    Also i noticed a lot of lock picks drop these days. Is there a way to see how many you have? Same with yarn. I can’t seem to locate where they’re going when I pick them up lol
  8. rcch

    rcch Advanced

    +1 to dkarls post. join to official discord and maybe wod discord channel. muchmuch more info available there. here is just the grumpy people left
  9. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Apologies, but I'm feeling lazy, so will answer your questions in random order ...

    Check out the row of icons at the center top of the screen. The 5th from the left is the Collector's Bag where all your mounts and pets and costumes and emotes go … if you intentionally add them. Adding a mount to the Collector's Bag, for example, removes the mount from your inventory (freeing up a slot), but it shows up on the proper tab in the Bag, and you can still make it your current mount and use it like normal.

    The backpack (Inventory), 4th icon from the left, has also been upgraded. You'll note one tab hanging off of the upper left-hand corner of the inventory / paper doll window. When you click on that tab, it swaps out the paper doll of your toon for a new set of inventory tabs. That's where you'll store items for consumable (potions, tonics, etc.) crafting; ores and other crafting elements, including "cores" for specific types of equipment crafting (again, equipment crafting will change shortly; we're not certain what with happen to the cores). There is also a tab for event items, and a tab for keys of all sorts. When you pick up a Key of Prowess from a Sentinel, it automatically goes to this tab … you'll never see it in your main inventory tabs. Same with Lockipicks … they go straight into this special key tab. And these Special Bag tabs are usually multi-tabbed. Oh, and Yarn is on the "Raw Materials" tab within the Special Bag, but the Golden Threads you'll eventually make by combining Yarn show up in the Unique Ingredients tab. Poke around in there, it'll soon make sense.

    As for locked chests that you'll randomly stumble across in dungeons, they don't drop all that much of interest now. I've got thousands of lockpicks saved up in case BP decides to rework the loot from those locked chests in the future.

    Equipment Refiners may or may not be valuable in the future. It remains to be seen how quickly we'll level up. If it looks like we'll be grinding slowly at each level, we may end up using Equipment Refiners to re-roll stats on Unique Items we drop. But in my mind there are too many unanswered questions, so I'd recommend letting the Refiners build up. They don't often drop as it is, so you're not likely to use more than a single inventory slot to hold them.

    Most but not all events require realm fragments. There's a lot of anguish in the community about those. A while back, BP told us they were going to nerf the drops, but reduce the # of events that used them. Lie (they dramatically nerfed drops) and lie (they increased the cost of event entrances and more and more events require them). They then created special passive farming "events," a few days before an event when realm fragments were supposed to drop at a high rate … again, pretty much a lie, as the increased drop rate doesn't feel significantly better during these farming periods as it does during dry periods. Sorry, I had to vent on behalf of my fellow gamers :).

    Yes, you'll need to go to Varholm during "day" mode (i.e., when the event isn't running) to trigger the preparatory quest chain. You'll see Jon Sunlair not far from the entrance to m1. He'll ask you to do something or other, then you'll get quests from another NPC, a female ranger also near the entrance. I don't recall the entire sequence, but you'll see in one of the quests a reference to actions that you'll need to come back and do at "night" (when the even is active). And vice versa … one of the "night" quests will tell you to come back again during the "day," and so on … again, it's a 2-3 month cycle before you can get past these preamble quests and just play the event.

    That's all I got for now.
  10. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Ya know... for "lazy".... that's a lot of typing work. More than I want to read from someone supposedly "lazy". :rolleyes::D
    silverseas likes this.