Its the test server, Treat us the same

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by KellueéHazé, Apr 15, 2016.

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  1. KellueéHazé

    KellueéHazé Junior Expert

    Ok I am pretty annoyed.
    On the test server I see 3-5 people with free items (Mounts costumes items Etc.) I don't think its fair, because a lot of us have been testing the test server for 1-2 years or even longer and its not fair. We should be treated the same, if they get free items, so should we, we should get to test items, we should get a lot of drakens,anders,gems. Why do you treat people so unfairly on the test server? And don't delete this post because then that just shows you cant be bothered to read it or let other people reply, I wanna hear what other people think
    Thanks for reading
  2. I'll do one better...

    From time to time the developers will give little bonuses to players to aid them in their testing, but those are usually focused on specific features.

    Other than that, the only people who are given enhanced test server accounts are moderators, like myself, and they are supposed to be strictly used for testing purposes. While the test server is open to all to go in and look around and are encouraged to report their findings and feedback, only those with a more direct connection to BP are given any "special" treatment. This is because, when I go to the test server, I spend hours looking for bugs, exploits, and other issues and I also provide detailed feedback and bug reports whenever possible.

    Furthermore, it is not a question of "fairness." These account are given with instructions relating to the Nondisclosure Agreements that moderators sign. There have been some instances where moderators have broken this NDA and then have been reprimanded, even to the point of having their accounts locked. If this level of discretion is expected of the moderators, how do you think BigPoint could justify giving the same sort of benefits on an unregulated basis to all testers?

    To that end, our team leader Allogeneous, has been trying to convince the powers on high to create a dedicated community testing team to allow the highly active and helpful members of the community this sort of enhanced character with specific guidelines, rules, and expectations. The team could then be monitored and regulated on a per-language basis but at this time, it is nothing more than an interesting idea.

    While I wouldn't advocate joining the forum moderation team for the sole purpose of having an enhanced test server character, it is a nice side benefit. If you have a desire to help the community and improve the game overall, you are welcome to apply to the team. I must warn you that the sort of attitude that you demonstrated above ("BigPoint owes me X") is generally frowned upon from the English team and won't help your chances. A moderator's job is geared at helping the community and making the game better for all; personal agendas have no place in this team.
  3. ToshiBoy

    ToshiBoy Someday Author

    To be fair, community consultation has improved greatly since the dark ages, when it seemed there was no response at all. Some of the other language forums still feature many posts of people who feel ignored or treated unfairly. I think it's come down a lot on the English forums. That's a good thing.
    Personally, I never cared much for the test server. I remember the early days, pre R30 when characters were wiped... it turned me off investing too much into it... rather watch what Spieletrend does there... :)
    Anyway, keep up the good work.
  4. KellueéHazé

    KellueéHazé Junior Expert

    Ok, But some of us do find bugs not just sit on the test server doing nothing, Also but some people who aren't linked with BP Get 6-20k drakens and a free character. Is this because they are a forum admin or not?
  5. One of three circumstances:
    Either they are an admin who has breached their NDA, they found a bug and used it (not against the rules or test server), or they are lying to you. Normal players are not given special treatment on the test server.

    And I already covered the fourth option:
    Maybe they got one of those, but because you had not been active, you did not.
    NoelaniAlthea likes this.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I did that... my test toon has about 190k gold from when we had the Defeat the Undefeatables event bugged chests. :D I've since used about 10k on gambling in an attempt to build a probability table for 1 and 5 gold bets, but I got bored.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
  7. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    LOL! Ok, I am not one for pointing out typos but this made me laugh. You aren't one for putting out words you didn't mean and I'm sitting here thinking of planks... or maybe ouiji... or...

    Thanks for the smiles. :D
  8. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I don't know what you are talking about. :p
  9. KellueéHazé

    KellueéHazé Junior Expert

    Actually I check the test server everyday and all I got was 150 realm frags, a lvl 45 stable and lvl 15 stable (last year) and some red ess :) nothing else not even 50k anders what I was supposed to get along with the stable chars
  10. The 50k andermant came with the LVL 50 test characters and that was for everyone who was active in a particular window of time. If you logged in daily, you'd have gotten it. If you didn't get it, logic says that you did not log in daily.
  11. KellueéHazé

    KellueéHazé Junior Expert

    i got it on my 2 active accounts but not the one I play now xDD
  12. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Sounds like you got it on more accounts than most people did.
  13. KellueéHazé

    KellueéHazé Junior Expert

    True but I checked into the 2nd one because my first one got deleted, and I abandoned the 2nd one when dragan event came on
  14. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    That means you were not actively using your account.
    I had 4 characters ... and BP gave us 2 more test characters ... that is 6 characters in total (in one account).
    I got 50K andermant per character ... which is 300K andermant.
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