Suggestion It's time to relax your grip on inventories.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DracosBW, Aug 26, 2016.

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  1. DracosBW

    DracosBW Forum Apprentice

    I really think that this game should make it more possible for someone to carry equipment. You start out with so little space you end up dropping half of what you're given right in the beginning... even during the tutorial stage at the start, you basically fill your inventory. Why? Bank space is even worse; there's not even as much space there as you get in your basic inventory... which I assume is just a backpack. A storage chest that holds less than a backpack? Really?

    I believe it's time for you guys to relax your deathgrip on space.

    I have two ideas for this. The first is to simply stop giving so little space at the start. As *insane* as this might sound, I think you should give two tabs of space to start. Yes, two *whole* tabs... 56 slots... of inventory for free. From there, you would charge as you already do, the next 7 slots costing 1600 andermant, then 4000, and so on. The reason being that 1600 + 4000 = about $10... and this is just for the first 14 spaces! I don't even want to know what it costs after that, and to be honest? I don't think spaces 15-21 should cost $10 or more (as the ratio seems to indicate it probably does).

    My second idea is a bit different, if actually giving space doesn't agree with you. Offer the slots for smaller prices, or for in game gold or silver, at least to a point. The first 7 spaces could be given for a low cost in either Andermant or silver or copper even. People don't start out with lots of in game money, or want offers to spend their RL money shoved in their faces before they've even finished the tutorial. And so the process would continue. Each line of spaces would be adjusted to fit a more 'pay if you want' style, instead of being 'pay because you have to' or 'pay or you're gonna have a bad time' style.

    Every game like this has a farming aspect to it. NONE of the many different games I've played like this ever made it so I struggled like I do with drops, or had to pay real money just for the first tab of space to be complete. EDIT , for example, gives you INFINITE space... because they know there are other areas they can charge people that makes them more than enough money. Severely limiting space like you do here is just greedy.

    Also, let's look at drops for a moment. I'm guessing the limited space is set like it is to prevent people from farming up a ton of Gylphs and keeping their equipment at the same level as they are? ...but why would you do that when the Gylph aspect of the game is ALSO over the top expensive? I found a ring on one of my characters that would have been great... if I could have raised it to my level. The best I could do though, was to raise it so it wasn't showing a red number... indicating that it was holding me back. Even though I had been farming for a while, it cost me Andermant to bring it up so it wasn't red... and a total of 22,000 glyphs! For only 5 levels on a low level item, it cost this much.

    With the system set like this, no one is EVER really gonna collect enough stuff to make a real difference towards their item's level except at the end of the game, and after having paid for a huge amount of storage space to carry things, or after farming TONS of items and running them back to the blacksmith over and over and over... and by then, their equipment is already going to be max level for the most part and Glyphs are going to be rendered useless. Giving people space to carry things just makes more sense than losing players or frustrating (and impoverishing) your existing players over such a silly point.

    My last comment comes from something that is always going on. Event items.

    I think event items should have their own 'pocket', instead of taking up inventory space. This 'pocket' wouldn't have any limitations either; you could collect as many Realm Shards, Varlholm teleports, Arena Badges, etc as you wanted in there, and not run out of room or lose them because you need room in your inventory for something else.

    I kknow I wrote a lot and people hate to read these days, but I hope someone will read this and agree with me, and some changes can be made. As it is, it's a rather silly struggle for new players, and one that I can see driving those who want to truly play this game for free away. And I really don't want to find myself trying to stick with the game, only to find I can't because I can't spend money on it right now.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 26, 2016
  2. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    You know you can easily farm enough ander to buy a new tab of inventory every month once you get to the pw's, right?
  3. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    He'll never make it to the PWs at his current level of frustration. That's an insanely dedicated month, or 3 semi-serious months before he can begin >dabbling< in PWs, let alone farm them.

    Fortunately, if he can stick with it, he can get enough Andermant from major/minor quests to open up a tab or two along the way. But it is initially frustrating, especially as the first 30 levels take a few days.


    @DracoBW, as for you comment about end-gamers not needing glyphs: Wrong. :) ... player levels and gear drops top out at 50, but you can upgrade equipment to level 55 ... at a very steep price in glyphs. So start saving now :).
  4. DracosBW

    DracosBW Forum Apprentice

    Gah... -_-;

    Well... <laughs> ...I hope that later equipment actually turns up more Glyphs then. I've been grinding my butt off trying to get some only to have a very small amount collected and I'm already in my mid twenties. I already commented to someone that this game was feeling more like Farmville than something else from all the farming involved! xD
  5. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Unique items will drop now and then, which often aren't useful in your equipment setup (or at least you'll outgrown them very rapidly) but can be melted for decent glyph amounts.

    And, yes, as you open up new wilderness areas and dungeons, you'll find the items dropped are more valuable in terms of glyphs.

    Try to be patient with the Andermant ... it seems like a ridiculous amount at your level, but try to wait until you have 10,800 so that you can buy 3 backpack rows at a discount (4,000 each, so 12,000 if you buy them one at a time).

    Locker space is more cost effective than backpack space, but the locker doesn't do you any good when you're out in the field, trying to decide which dropped item to hang onto until you can get back into town (unless you've got a premium subscription, in which case the locker is accessible from wherever you are ... plus you'll have the full premium tab open in your backpack ... I'm not pushing premium, I don't invest in it, but it's an option for you to consider, even for one month while you attempt to build up that Andermant supply to buy permananet backpack slots).
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I like when someone is not even started yet ... and already is proposing changes. XD
    As for the andermants ... like you said ... you can farm them very fast if you are at cap level and have strong character.
    4K andermant per day is very doable for everyone. Of course it requires time ... but if you don't have time to play more than 4-5 hours a day ... you can always buy them.
    (I am not replying to you ... I am just adding to your post)
    _Baragain_ and -Faeriequeen22- like this.
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