Bug Jade nuts don't work?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by *-Destroyer-*, Sep 14, 2016.

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  1. *-Destroyer-*

    *-Destroyer-* Forum Apprentice

    Hello - I want to know why I spend 2k drakens on this item on the hope that I could make tier 3 pauldrons and didin't work? It says that any event item that is rank 2 can be combined to make a higher rank , but this didnt happen...so if anyone knows if its waste drakens or bug please let me know before i delete that nut :mad:[​IMG]
  2. Beldak

    Beldak Regular

    Maybe you got the wrong one
  3. *-Destroyer-*

    *-Destroyer-* Forum Apprentice

    The wrong nut or event item ? ^^
  4. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I thought the jade nuts were only for the event tier 2 pieces (sandwhirl belt, adornment, and amulet). What are you trying to combine?
  5. *-Destroyer-*

    *-Destroyer-* Forum Apprentice

    They are tier 2.
  6. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    check this out and i dont think you will need anything more. special regards to the wiki team of course. http://drakensangonline.wikia.com/wiki/Gnob's_Jade-Nut
    Small tip : before you buy an item read carefully what it does.the function of this item is similar to the stones which combine tier 2 items to tier 3 in PW. they can be used only to combine specific tier 2 items to tier 3
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2016
  7. *-Destroyer-*

    *-Destroyer-* Forum Apprentice

    Yes , but I did just as it says Combine this Jade-Nut with three tier 2 event items on the workbench to obtain the same item of a higher rank (items that can be combined with Gnob's Jade-Nutstate this in their tooltip) and didn't work, so if anyone from support can give an example of what items can be combined would be great.
  8. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    you dont need to go to support to help you on that. its simple. this item comes with the event dunes of desolation. so its clear that it is used to combine tier 2 items only from this event to tier 3. so simple
    P.S the title is misleading. its not a bug at all. its just a question of yours or you are just asking for help
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2016
  9. *-Destroyer-*

    *-Destroyer-* Forum Apprentice

    Well,thats messed up , because the last item I would like to get for 2k drakens and 3x bad items t2 is that.I think they should specify that is only for dunes of desolation of items, but I am not sure is as you say because there are 3-4 sets that have tier from 1 to 3 ...i hope they probably forgot to add new dragan and use this nut.
  10. *-Destroyer-*

    *-Destroyer-* Forum Apprentice

    I don't think you would be very happy to spend 2000 drakens for nothing...but anyway .
  11. Beldak

    Beldak Regular

    Nothing happened, he asked a question he thought was a bug. He now know it wasn't.
  12. *-Destroyer-*

    *-Destroyer-* Forum Apprentice

    I agree , but nobody specify that!?! It is my faulth that I bought an item that is sold by gnob , not an ''desert of desolation'' event merchant? it's confusing- anyway i will be asking for my drakens back because it's their mistake
  13. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    no i would not be happy. i am just saying that to call something a BUG,you have to make sure that you have done nothing wrong first. if it were not your fault that the item does not work, then you could call it bug. i am simply referring to the term BUG. :D
  14. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Dude WTH are you doing? :D

    From the description you can read: .... .... ..."(items that can be combined with Gnob's Jade-Nut state this in their tooltip)"
    You can find that only in Jewels of the Desert tier 2 items.


    This is how it is working

    thouvou000 likes this.
  15. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    actually its not their mistake. if you had read the event guide properly, you could have maybe avoided such a waste of drakens
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2016
  16. *-Destroyer-*

    *-Destroyer-* Forum Apprentice

    ok , but i am still against bp because they shoulda add this item with start of event, it confused me and im sure im not the only one who thought like that because on R173 patch notes wasn't mentioned anything about this item.
  17. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Nope ... every new release "clears the ground" for the new events.
    That is why the patchnotes say ... they are bringing a new event.
    It was even explained in this thread https://board-en.drakensang.com/threads/testserver-trader-test-server-feedback-here.72103/ when the players should have tested the event set ... instead of making gold and GoPs :D
  18. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

  19. *-Destroyer-*

    *-Destroyer-* Forum Apprentice

    Ok then there's no reason to continue this thread, thanks for all answers and probably i'll try to get tier 3 item from event so I wouldn't be deleting it.Was hyped that i'm going to finish my spider set and made a wrong choice and maybe they really should add something like that for all event items ;)
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2016
  20. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Just make sure you are always visiting forums and DSOWiki ... and always ask if you are not sure what to do.
    You will always get help from the players. ;)
    *-Destroyer-* likes this.
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