Bug Jade nuts don't work?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by *-Destroyer-*, Sep 14, 2016.

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  1. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    And, most importantly, always read the tool tip of items that you don't know.
    You even typed it out, but failed to read it to begin with. If you had read that and processed it, you would have then read the Dragan shoulders and seen that it didn't work like that.

    Consider it an expensive lesson that may end up working out for you in the long run since you are planning to make some of the T3 items from this upcoming event.
    *-Destroyer-* likes this.
  2. *-Destroyer-*

    *-Destroyer-* Forum Apprentice

    First time I thought that "Gnob's Jade-nut state" was just a way of saying that items from event that have combining possibility will work,but yes,it's my mistake and now i'll farm for T3 item(s) of that event :mad: ,hopefully it is not as hard to get as new karabossa sets...
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